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Major flaming in Ebay auction . . .

DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 5,994 ✭✭✭✭✭

WOW!!! Where's my popcorn emoticon????????

The following was copied from EBay Auction 8313743004


I would like to apologize as I truly dislike long winded ads, however the following has become necessary. Taking the five minutes or so to read this will benefit all who do so. First of all the following will be in all my listings. If you will kindly take the time to read it once there will be no need to read it again.

Due to an ongoing problem with a very deceitful and paltry Texas based coin dealer / travel agent ebay member it has become necessary for me to require that anyone with less than 15 feedbacks contact me for bidding approval. I gladly welcome all new ebay members and collectors and I’m sickened that I have to require this. However this ebay member I’m talking about, in retaliation for my exposing his “far less than ethical” business practices, has found it necessary to open temporary AOL accounts, use the AOL account to open false ebay accounts (of which he already has several) and bid in my auctions with no intention of paying. Since ebay’s rules state it’s not allowed for me to write his real name I’ll nick name him “Boger Rarone“ (could also be known as nickname Aoger Randerson). If you bid in my auction and are beat by Boger Rarone and one of his bogus ebay accounts I will contact you and sell you the item at your bid amount. Feel free to contact me at jscott83@tds.net anytime. Oh, and yes, I have contacted ebay about this problem with Boger Rarone and no, they don’t care. In addition Boger Rarone has had other ebay members purchase coins from me for him and then Boger Rarone refuses to pay the person he hired to purchase the coin for him (which is exactly what happened with ebay item #8312101002 and why this, the same coin, is being re-listed). I would advise if Boger Rarone asks you to do this that you refuse, for your own good. Lastly, if I find that a bidder has purchased a coin from me for Boger Rarone I will add that person to my blocked bidder/buyer list. On a personal note Boger.....you‘re a middle aged “man“....isn’t it about time to grow up and act like one? I‘d bet you would feel better about yourself!


I was talking to an associate of mine about “Boger Rarone”. I was showing him all the things that had happened with ebay, the threatening yet silly emails, threatening and even more silly phone calls, shilled auctions, multiple user names, etc. I was showing my associate one of Boger Rarone’s ad’s as well. For some reason Boger likes TO write LIKE this in HIS ads. I guess he assumes the public is too stupid to read punctuation. I was telling my associate how frustrating it is that you can’t say a members user name or real name in an ad. He asked if that rule applies even if it’s members like Boger Rarone that have several ebay accountts-too. I replied “yes”. He said “ that’s rellaa unbelievable! Yeah I said, he has another that is just made up of what appears to be random letters. Wow, that’s bogus he replied.

Unlike my good buddy Boger Rarone I’m simply an avid collector of Variety coins, mainly Lincoln’s. I collect “coins”, not “insert labels”. I have an extensive collections of upper end high quality Lincoln varieties and am always looking to buy, sell and trade. It’s just a hobby for me and I’m involved for the fun and passion of it. I believe that knowledgeable collectors know what they are looking for. Unlike my “good buddy” Boger Rarone I will not:

Insult your intelligence by reworking images in a photo program in an attempt to make coins look better than they really are.
Insult your intelligence by writing a bunch of hype with charts and graphs trying to convince you that (for a “hypothetical” example) since “NGC has only graded two 1949-S RPM#8’s it must be rare” when the fact is the variety isn‘t bold enough to interest collectors to certify them.
Insult your intelligence by (for a “hypothetical” situation) state in an ad on March 01 that “my” MS 65 1910-S RPM is “as far as I know” the finest known (by three grade points) then upon someone else listing an MS 66 write as an update in my own ad that “the person with the MS 66 wouldn’t have even known it was an RPM if I hadn’t told them.......in the middle of February”.
Insult your intelligence by writing that if a coin is “after 10 on the Universal Rarity Scale, who cares”. Last I checked the 1955 Doubled Die is a 15, the 1909 DDO#1 is a 13, the 1909 S/horz S is a 15, the 1922 no “D“, strong reverse is an 11, The 1941 DDO#1 is an 11, the 1944 D/S type 1 is a 12, the 1944 D/S type 2 is a 12, the 1972 DDO#1 is a 16 (just to mention a few).....and most of us collectors care.
Insult your intelligence by writing ads IN tHis MANNER because I THINK the public IS too lame to READ normal PrInT.
Insult your intelligence by constantly buying coins under one ebay name and selling them a day later (we‘ll post the image when we get the coin in hand) for a 100%+ mark up.....and try to convince you it’s a bargain.
Insult your intelligence further by stating that the coin is “PQ” when I haven’t even seen it yet.
Insult your intelligence by making the ridiculous statement “BEST DEAL ON eBAY ON THIS COIN!”
Really insult your intelligence by making a “We're also the ONLY coin dealer in the world (that we know of) with a low price guarantee: if we sell a similar coin (same grading service & grade) for less within 30 days of your purchase you get back 110% of the difference“. (Is anyone that makes this guarantee really stupid enough to sell a similar coin in 30 days?)
Insult your intelligence by stating that the Lincoln cent I’m selling exhibits a “sharp strike” when you can look at the image and see that a fourth of the “O” in “ONE” is missing.
Be so self serving and pompous as to use the feedback forum to advertise.

What I will do is list nice coins with accurate descriptions and high quality images in a manner that is respectful to my fellow collectors and their knowledge and treat my customers with the respect they deserve.



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