Always look for grills
in Stamps Forum
Although both stamps look similar, the one on the left has no grill and cats around $90 and the one of the right has a grill and cats for $700. Always pays to check your catalog and know your stamps. No dealer would ever let grills slip by, but a beginner or unknowledgeable person trying to sell a collection may not.
Edited to add: No, I didn't rip these from some old lady. I purchased both through dealers. Just wanted to inform beginner stamp collectors that you need to know your material; like they say in coins; buy the book before the coin. Stamps have perf, tag, watermark, and many other varieties that have wide margins on values.
Edited to add: No, I didn't rip these from some old lady. I purchased both through dealers. Just wanted to inform beginner stamp collectors that you need to know your material; like they say in coins; buy the book before the coin. Stamps have perf, tag, watermark, and many other varieties that have wide margins on values.
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