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Dragon thinks he's better than us

He has two for-sale threads that he ttt's,both for just 1 morgan.He could easily combine the two,but no, he's to good for that,and when I politely asked him to keep to forum rules:
<<<they were initially offered for sale here 10 days apart, any other incorrect and unnecessary comments??>>>
the nerve!
and he does this even though a moderator has clearly stated not to in this thread:

Go get 'em guys!


  • ms70ms70 Posts: 13,956 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There's a lot of rules not followed around here. This is petty.

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

  • HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Dragon thinks he's better than us >>

    HTubbs, if that is true (which I doubt), than the same can certainly be said for YOU. This thread of yours easily takes the cake for the hypocritical post award, as, with little effort, I found where YOU had KNOWINGLY TTT'd your threads more than once in the same day.

    But, you obviously had a very good reason for doing so - you are more important than everyone else.image >>

    You just can't win can you? I don't mean to offend,I greatly respect you Mark,but weren't you the one who went after Tom P.,the dealer in early gold, for ttting his thread more then once a day?
  • image
  • HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>You just can't win can you? I don't mean to offend,I greatly respect you Mark,but weren't you the one who went after Tom P.,the dealer in early gold, for ttting his thread more then once a day? >>

    I sure was, though I don't know what that has to do with my noting YOUR obvious disregard for forum protocol. >>

    Then it's not a petty thing in your opinion...
  • Does 5 for sale here, for sale e- bay, and wanted to buy, trump 2 for sale? Just want to know how, and on who, to bet to win.image
  • If its' the "Beach" forum, I'm in.image
  • MyqqyMyqqy Posts: 9,777
    I think somebody is losing respect and business around here........ image
    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable !
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    By the way who is "US"? Generally speaking you should talk for yourself and not the forum on a whole.

    Dragon is a all right guy.....

  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Ken, you shoulda left the "POS" intials on your icon, lest we forget. (*-*)
  • mozeppamozeppa Posts: 4,431 ✭✭✭
    jeez you guys ...grow up.
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
    Uh oh, the sheriff is here!

  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭

    Let's go down together!

    Sure, I understand the ocassional TTT twice, even 3 times a day when you have an eBay auction(s) that is doing terrible & you want to make sure all members see the auction, hoping some will bid it up. But we are talking 1 thread here being TTT'ed & usually the thread is on page 2 or 3 when the TTT is being done.
    That's as gray as I get.

    Why is it OK for a member to TTT 2 'sell' threads (for the same coin or not?) Then it becomes 3 threads....
    Heck, I could TTT all my old threads that are still valid.....is that ok with the membership here?
    I think not, but it sound like it's ok from quite a few.

    So where are the members that replied to SportsMod1's thread about Multiple Threads with replies about also 1 TTT?

    More good reading from SportsMod1.....Showing A Little Consideration...... & .....TTT.....
  • HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Agustin,and lets go down with guns blazing!

    So what is it with you guys? I see how it is,shoot the messenger.
    Since it's not that big of a deal if dragon posts two for sale threads,then why should I not be able to ttt my thread twice every so often?It's not like it something I do every day,it's a RARE occurance!
    Mark, you are an excellant dealer-quality coins-excellent service and a boatload of integrity;but my respect for you is rapidly declining.
    I just don't get it, in my opinion posting two for sale threads is a whole lot worse than ttt'ing your thread more then once a day.
    But let's just say,for the point of argument,that they're equal.
    Then why in the world are you defending dragon and going after mearlygold? Isn't that just a little biased?
    Maybe it's because there are some financial strings attached;has dragon made a few purchases from you?or maybe you're even helping him to build a set? To offend him would be to lose business,and we couldn't let that happen could we? What about Tom? Did a business deal not work out and you lost money?Was one of your customers have a coin on your want list,and you found it but he had already bought one from Tom?
    Whatever it was you have some major biased issues!
    Why are you so out to get people who ttt their threads more then once? I'm not talking about the "very-inconsiderate" people who do 5 times a day. Back in the day sportsmod. asked people to not ttt their thread 9 times a day, just recently has he asked people to keep it to 1 per day.
    Plus what's the use of his rules when he never bothers to inforce them? I stick to forum rules out of cosideration of others,but there are many who break them. I'm not the only one to have ttt'd my thread twice,other have admited it as well.Are they wrong?Not IMO!
    I've got to run and will be gone for the weekend but I will await your reply,Mr. Feld.
    I have plenty more to say!

  • airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,252 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You're missing the bigger picture. You've called dragon on ttt'ing two threads a day. Fine. With the rules laid out by SM1, you're right, and he's guilty. Fine.

    What you are missing is that now you're being called on the same offense. Regardless of who called on dragon, they are right in saying he ttt'd two threads. But you have posted, IN YOUR TTT's, that you know you are ttt'ing multiple threads multiple times a day so you can get more views on your auctions. By calling dragon on this, you're simply being hypocritical.

    If you want the rules to apply to dragon, then they have to apply to YOU, as well. If they don't, what good are the rules in the first place?

    All Mark did was note that you're not the first person he went after. This time, he went after you because, with this thread, you basically screamed "I WAS DOING IT TO, BUT IT WAS DIFFERENT." It's not different.
    JK Coin Photography - eBay Consignments | High Quality Photos | LOW Prices | 20% of Consignment Proceeds Go to Pancreatic Cancer Research

  • Since only some in the click can do what they please without flames. A spade is a spade, and your all in the same boat. Two threads or ttt's bumped more than once a day are both wrong....PERIOD. Either your in the click or not..HTubbs sorry dude, you are not.... But don't worry you havent lost anything.

    Some of the guys on here are like a pack of wolfs waiting on the next feast, THubbs you just happened to be on the menu..
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since only some in the click can do what they please without flames. A spade is a spade, and your all in the same boat. Two threads or ttt's bumped more than once a day are both wrong....PERIOD. Either your in the click or not..HTubbs sorry dude, you are not.... But don't worry you havent lost anything.

    Some of the guys on here are like a pack of wolfs waiting on the next feast,

    << <i>THubbs you just happened to be on the menu.. >>

    Both THubbs and HTubbs needed to be the feast on this one.

    If Dragons threads would have been closer together, same day, next day, same week, then maybe, and this is a far reach, THubbs or HTubbs could have a complaint.

    For Boom.....Atleast the POS was not purchased here. That speaks highly about most sellers on this site....image

  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭

    For a vegetarian, you are tossing around a lot of "bologna".
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    bologna isn't really meat, is it? image
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Alert! Alert! Intransigence on Page 1!

    Go get him, boys! image
  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    Dragon is a cutie!
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    He is better then us.......

    Well....at least most of us.image
    There once was a place called
  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭
    HTubbs, is there anything (new) you'd like to "add" to this thread?

    Hayden may not, but I do. It's not 'new', just an observation.....

    The thread may have started with "fighting words"....'Dragon thinks he's better than us'......
    I doubt that is the case, but the point was (IMO) that he knew the board rules & knowenly decided to break them.
    When asked (privately) to keep to Forum rules it sounds like he was a bit smug about what he had done.

    Does anyone agree that it is OK to create multiple threads for the same item, on different days, then TTT the multiple threads?
    I don't think that this is an acceptable practice.

    This thread seemed to head in a different direction......as is usually the case, the original point was morphed into finger pointing at others.

    ms70.....petty or not, it bothered another member enough to the point where he mentioned the 'rules' of this board & was greeted with a rather rude responce (IMO)

    Mark....Yes, we have all probably broken the TTT rule a few times, but I think most would say it was the same thread that we TTT the same day. This had more to do with TTT'ing 2 threads that dealt with the same item. As most of you are wondering.....yes, if I had seen the 2 post I would have replied myself with a comment of TTT the 2 threads.

    airplanenut.......But you have posted, IN YOUR TTT's, that you know you are ttt'ing multiple threads multiple times a day so you can get more views on your auctions. By calling dragon on this, you're simply being hypocritical.
    I may have missed it, but I thought Hayden said he TTT'ed 1 thread multiple times, not multiple threads.
    I see a difference in this, am I being hypocritical? I guess so, but were is the limit drawn....3 threads TTT....4?

    With no admin to delete these infractions they will continue to happen.
    We are left to 'police' the boards, but when we do, we get flamed.
    Nobody wants to be the 'Police', we occasionally TTT SportsMod1's thread.....gets everyone shacking in their bootsimage

    Just my opinions......
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    Here's a solution. PCGS should charge us a fee to list items on here or do away with this board altogether.
  • dthigpendthigpen Posts: 3,932 ✭✭

    << <i>I think somebody is losing respect and business around here........ image >>

    Who is HTubbs for $500, Alex.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,478 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Here's a solution. PCGS should charge us a fee to list items on here or do away with this board altogether. >>

    I disagree. This board has helped me find items that I needed. From people who aren't dealers and probably wouldn't pay for it....how would they pay? Paypal? Send in a check? It wouldn't be worth PCGS' time and resources to make people pay for selling on this forum.

    Do away with it? Come on Goose....that seems to be all people can say about forums these days. That is the wimpy way of doing it.

    Realistically, PCGS would do well to get 1 or 2 people as moderators JUST for this board. If 2 people, and both felt that a poster has exceeded the realms of good taste, then lock the thread, delete the materials listed, leave a message to the reason why it was removed, and send a PM to the person who did it.
    May run off a few whiners that way, but I can bet that people would be a bit more cautious of how they do things and the world would be much better.

    Also, to make the above work, there should be a "suggested best practices/rules of the BST". Nothing elaborate, just something to say that threads should not be TTT'ed by the owner more than once a day, etc.
    Also, it should be easy enough to find "groups" that only TTT each other's threads and that would fall under the "warning PMs".

    I don't think it would be that hard but it would require more than 1 person (most likely, 2-4 who are interested in doing it and who don't post in the BST that often).

    Though, the start of this thread here in the BST is some major whining that should go "bye-bye".
    Hayden, lashing out at Dragon when you have done similiar (TTTing your thread a couple of times in the same day and posting that you didn't care if you broke the rules...well, that was RUDE).
    Also, you attack at Mark because he called you out on what you did...same thing. RUDE. Thing is, you got spanked on that.
    If you are trying to be a "vest pocket" dealer, or any dealer, and using this forum to do it, then you should actually be held to higher standards than a collector selling a few coins. They should still follow the rules, but it should be imperative that you do.

    You and a certain TW person on the open forum seem to want to whine a lot lately and state how everyone is against you...boo hoo....sorry, but it doesn't belong on this forum. Take it to the open forum and whine, then put a link to whatever threads you are whining about here in the BST. That is how you should do it.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭
    Good grief,where do I start?

    << <i>Furthermore, your ridculous unfounded assertions about why Mark is making a reply need not be explored as they are petty and baseless. >>


    One thing you guys just don't seem to get is that their is a difference between what dragon did and I did.
    We all have many for sale threads,but only one should be active. There is a huge difference between me ttt'ing my thread twice every once in a great while and dragon ttt'ing his two threads. He only ttt's his threads once,but he has two. This is not about ttt'ing it's about having two active for sale threads.
    In what I did, I outright said what I was doing when I ttt'd my threads twice,and no one at all asked me to stop so obvisiouly no one thought it was that big of a deal.But know that it's been pointed out to me I have stopped,not that I do it often,but I won't do it again.
    Also Mark,looking back through some of your wanted to buy threads,you replyed to a question/comment an hour after you posted the thread.Didn't you get on Legend for doing the same thing? I don't really find any thing wrong in doing it,but...
    Also,as to my saying that dragon thinks he's better then us,I don't know whether he thinks he's better then us even though he certainly doesn't have any problems breaking forum rules,but isn't that what you were implying when you went after Tom?
    I would think that you of all people would agree with me,Mark.
    A member is breaking forum rules,you politley ask him to stop and point out forum rules and he then gives you an insulting reply.Basicly we are in the same boat,you posted a thread going after Tom and I went after dragon.
    and yet you are defending dragon...which don't tell me you're not-read your post on the first page.

    Geez,all this controversity over some petty rules-I thought these rules were made to promote consideration of others.They seem to have caused more problems then stopped.

    Peace and one love this is KJ-53,image
  • dthigpendthigpen Posts: 3,932 ✭✭

    << <i>Good grief,where do I start?

    << <i>Furthermore, your ridculous unfounded assertions about why Mark is making a reply need not be explored as they are petty and baseless. >>


    One thing you guys just don't seem to get is that their is a difference between what dragon did and I did.
    We all have many for sale threads,but only one should be active. There is a huge difference between me ttt'ing my thread twice every once in a great while and dragon ttt'ing his two threads. He only ttt's his threads once,but he has two. This is not about ttt'ing it's about having two active for sale threads.
    In what I did, I outright said what I was doing when I ttt'd my threads twice,and no one at all asked me to stop so obvisiouly no one thought it was that big of a deal.But know that it's been pointed out to me I have stopped,not that I do it often,but I won't do it again.
    Also Mark,looking back through some of your wanted to buy threads,you replyed to a question/comment an hour after you posted the thread.Didn't you get on Legend for doing the same thing? I don't really find any thing wrong in doing it,but...
    Also,as to my saying that dragon thinks he's better then us,I don't know whether he thinks he's better then us even though he certainly doesn't have any problems breaking forum rules,but isn't that what you were implying when you went after Tom?
    I would think that you of all people would agree with me,Mark.
    A member is breaking forum rules,you politley ask him to stop and point out forum rules and he then gives you an insulting reply.Basicly we are in the same boat,you posted a thread going after Tom and I went after dragon.
    and yet you are defending dragon...which don't tell me you're not-read your post on the first page.

    Geez,all this controversity over some petty rules-I thought these rules were made to promote consideration of others.They seem to have caused more problems then stopped.

    Peace and one love this is KJ-53,image >>

    You still don't 'get it', there is no difference at all between what you and dragon did.
  • HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Good grief,where do I start?

    << <i>Furthermore, your ridculous unfounded assertions about why Mark is making a reply need not be explored as they are petty and baseless. >>


    One thing you guys just don't seem to get is that their is a difference between what dragon did and I did.
    We all have many for sale threads,but only one should be active. There is a huge difference between me ttt'ing my thread twice every once in a great while and dragon ttt'ing his two threads. He only ttt's his threads once,but he has two. This is not about ttt'ing it's about having two active for sale threads.
    In what I did, I outright said what I was doing when I ttt'd my threads twice,and no one at all asked me to stop so obvisiouly no one thought it was that big of a deal.But know that it's been pointed out to me I have stopped,not that I do it often,but I won't do it again.
    Also Mark,looking back through some of your wanted to buy threads,you replyed to a question/comment an hour after you posted the thread.Didn't you get on Legend for doing the same thing? I don't really find any thing wrong in doing it,but...
    Also,as to my saying that dragon thinks he's better then us,I don't know whether he thinks he's better then us even though he certainly doesn't have any problems breaking forum rules,but isn't that what you were implying when you went after Tom?
    I would think that you of all people would agree with me,Mark.
    A member is breaking forum rules,you politley ask him to stop and point out forum rules and he then gives you an insulting reply.Basicly we are in the same boat,you posted a thread going after Tom and I went after dragon.
    and yet you are defending dragon...which don't tell me you're not-read your post on the first page.

    Geez,all this controversity over some petty rules-I thought these rules were made to promote consideration of others.They seem to have caused more problems then stopped.

    Peace and one love this is KJ-53,image >>

    You still don't 'get it', there is no difference at all between what you and dragon did. >>

    That's just your opinion,in my opinion there is a difference.
    Also you should base your desicion on doing business with a dealer not by some petty forum rules but on the integrity,experince and references of that dealer.
    I would not hesitate to recomend both Mark Feld and Hayden Tubbs,if you're looking for quality coins.image

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,478 ✭✭✭✭✭

    What you're still missing is your way of attacking in a petty way.
    First, your title for the thread is very antagonistic. Second, the way you go after Mark because he commented on YOU and not your target.

    For a dealer to deal with, I like to stay away from dealers who seem to not GET IT. I may not always agree with someone, but if they are well thought out and don't argue just because they are backed into a corner and can't admit they screwed up (I'm talking about the way you have handled this entire thread with whining, not just how you blatantly broke rules you KNEW about and said you didn't care), then why would I want to do business with them?
    WHy would I want to risk a misunderstanding turning into a p*ssing match?

    While I think you had a point in what dragon did, it is the pot calling the kettle black here. You did it too recently for it not to be. It's not like you haven't done it in months and months. What was it? A week ago or so?
    Then, you were grasping at straws and making character attacks on a member/dealer of the forum who, imho, didn't deserve that. Not something done by someone I would want to do business with.

    If you haven't done it in public yet, I would hope that at least in a PM you have apologized to Mark. I doubt it though.

    There is a certain point where it is smart to cut your losses.....you exceeded that point days ago on this thread.......you are likely turning off more potential customers than you know.....

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There is a certain point where it is smart to cut your losses.....you exceeded that point days ago on this thread.......you are likely turning off more potential customers than you know.....

    I disagree. I like his chutzpah. What are you selling, again?

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,478 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>There is a certain point where it is smart to cut your losses.....you exceeded that point days ago on this thread.......you are likely turning off more potential customers than you know.....

    I disagree. I like his chutzpah. What are you selling, again?

    (ttt) >>

    Robert, you instigator image

    Let us know how your purchase goes image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭
    I wasn't going to reply to this thread, but I think I'll jump in here and clarify a few things with actual facts.

    1) I did NOT have 2 seperate threads for the same coin, nor did I ttt 2 seperate threads within 24 hrs. for the same coin.

    2) The 2 threads I started were started 10 days apart and for 2 different coins, check the timestamps on the posts.

    3) HTubbs has FULLY ADMITTED here that he both has and does continue to do the exact same thing he accuses me of, but that he should somehow be entitled to an "exception" because his ttt's are for Ebay items that are ending soon. So as Coinguy1 pointed out, HTubbs feels it's ok to start accusatory threads about other people when you do the same thing.

    4) Immediatly before starting this thread, HTubbs has made me rediculous lowball offers for my coins via PM's which I didn't even respond to, which in my opinion is why he started this inane divel thread to begin with.

    5) HTubbs has also made false and baseless accustaions about Coinguy1 insinuating that he was only defending me due to some financial relationship which is 100% false.

    6) HTubbs had FOUR consecutive threads of his own all on the first page at the time he started this thread about me.

    7) I wasn't aware that ttt'ing 2 different threads in the same day for different items was breaking the rules here, and I won't do that again if you're not supposed to. HTubbs however knew the rules and knowingly broke them numerous times, and then accuses others of the same thing he does.

    8) HTubbs.........you're a crybaby and a total hypocrit IMO, and I would tell you that in person right to your face.

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,478 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I wasn't going to reply to this thread, but I think I'll jump in here and clarify a few things with actual facts.

    1) I did NOT have 2 seperate threads for the same coin, nor did I ttt 2 seperate threads within 24 hrs. for the same coin.

    2) The 2 threads I started were started 10 days apart and for 2 different coins, check the timestamps on the posts.

    3) HTubbs has FULLY ADMITTED here that he both has and does continue to do the exact same thing he accuses me of, but that he should somehow be entitled to an "exception" because his ttt's are for Ebay items that are ending soon. So as Coinguy1 pointed out, HTubbs feels it's ok to start accusatory threads about other people when you do the same thing.

    4) Immediatly before starting this thread, HTubbs has made me rediculous lowball offers for my coins via PM's which I didn't even respond to, which in my opinion is why he started this inane divel thread to begin with.

    5) HTubbs has also made false and baseless accustaions about Coinguy1 insinuating that he was only defending me due to some financial relationship which is 100% false.

    6) HTubbs had FOUR consecutive threads of his own all on the first page at the time he started this thread about me.

    7) I wasn't aware that ttt'ing 2 different threads in the same day for different items was breaking the rules here, and I won't do that again if you're not supposed to. HTubbs however knew the rules and knowingly broke them numerous times, and then accuses others of the same thing he does.

    8) HTubbs.........you're a crybaby and a total hypocrit IMO, and I would tell you that in person right to your face. >>

    Ahhh...now we are seeing "the other side"......BUSTED!

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • dthigpendthigpen Posts: 3,932 ✭✭
    I kinda figured as much.
  • Thanks Dragon, it's nice to here both sides to the story. Sounds a little different than originally represented.

  • I agree with HTubbs because he is trying to play by the rules and have others do so as well.

    HTubbs, you should be a Christian and teach others the Ten Commandments. You won't get much personal satisfaction from it here on earth, though you'll be great in Heaven according to the words of Jesus Christ spoken in the Gospels.
    Love in Jesus & Xanadu,

    Apostle Saint Dennis


    SmartEnterprises: The Phoenix!

    Log on to: Church Of The Holy Ghost
  • dthigpendthigpen Posts: 3,932 ✭✭

    << <i>I agree with HTubbs because he is trying to play by the rules and have others do so as well.

    HTubbs, you should be a Christian and teach others the Ten Commandments. You won't get much personal satisfaction from it here on earth, though you'll be great in Heaven according to the words of Jesus Christ spoken in the Gospels. >>

    HTubbs is very open about himself not playing by the rules, though.
  • dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭

    Maybe there should also be a commandment that says:

    "thou shalt not publicy accuse others of what I do myself, while also withholding the facts"

  • marmacmarmac Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭
    Can't we all just get along??

    There are people that play by the rules in life and those that don't.....why should this place be any different. It is hard for me to read anymore of this thread as it grow and grows and grows.....

    Play by the rules and let this thread die.... it brings up all those things you learn as a kid..."two wrongs don't make a right", "wait your turn", "admit your mistake and move on"....

    And for the people that like to bump their threads multiple times a day- as a buyer if I am not interested in what you have for sell the first time I see the thread in a day......... bumping it to the top multiple times in a day will not make me change my mind. I think alot of people give too much weight to having their thread at the top of the bst board.... I personally scroll back 2- 3 days when I am looking for anything to buy.

    this is my half cent!

  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,478 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I agree with HTubbs because he is trying to play by the rules and have others do so as well. >>

    SaintDennis, I don't know where or how you got that (mistaken) idea.

    He knowingly ignored "the rules" on more than one occasion. And, after having done so, complained when he thought someone else had done the same. That's spelled hypocrite, not "teach"(er). >>

    Mark....for this "StDennis" person, and I use the term "person" lightly, you have to understand that he hangs out on the OF and is basically a troll who appears to revel in trying to stir the pot. No substance...just an OF playground person

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,785 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>TTT >>

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
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