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Things you have ever gotten from a Player?

I wanted to see if anyone has ever gotten something from a NFL,MLB,NBA,College player.
This is something I collect but I now have over 100 Headbands/Armbands/Rubberbands from NBA players. My favorites are my Jermaine O'neals and My T-Mac's.
I also have gotten 7 shoes from Players like Steve Francis and Jason Terry.
Nothing from the NFL because I have only been to a few games (Ima bucs and bengals fan but only been to a few bengals jags games because bucs tix are impossible to get)
College Tho I have only been able to obtain a glove from stanford samuels at FSU. One of my fav CB's image

anyone else ever gotten anything? Maybe a baseball or something?
Real recognize REAL


  • mudflap02mudflap02 Posts: 2,060 ✭✭
    I got a sweatband from Steve Lombardozzi. I may or may not still have it.
  • ndleondleo Posts: 4,150 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hear 9 women got a few things from Shawn Kemp.
  • ldfergldferg Posts: 6,747 ✭✭✭
    when i was 8 or 9 i sent a letter and football cards to the denver broncos. at the end of the letter i told them to "write back".

    they did just that, they signed my cards on the back...LOL


    David (LD_Ferg)

    1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭
    My son and two nephews got the finger from Albert "don't call me Joey" Belle when they were 10 years old or so. The Indians were in town against the A's and they had gotten there early to try to score some autographs. Joey put a damper on the party, but they were more successful with a few other players.
  • Got some stuff from Ryan Langerhans and Kelly Johnson. I used to hang out with them back in high school.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Watched a Yankee game about a month or so ago...Jeter grounded out and on the way back to the dugout he took off his hitting gloves and gave them to a little kid in the stands.
    At the HOF game in Cooperstown this year, Johnny Damon took off his jersey, signed it and gave it to a kid about 5 years old.
    Both awesome moves.
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    Anyone remember that old Mean Joe Greene coke commercial? That kid got something.

    My Auctions
  • xbaggypantsxbaggypants Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭
    My Cousin Bryan Barker use to punt in the NFL, when he was with the Cheifs he sent me an autographed football by the entire team including Derrick Thomas, Montana, Okoye etc. This is one piece of memoribillia I will alway keep.

    He has also sent me personalized autographed photos of Farve, Brunnell, Fred Taylor, Javon Walker, Amhed Green etc.
  • back around 1990 ish when Sammy Sosa was with the White Sox, Sosa came over to me and gave me a ball. It was super cool cause even back then everyone in Chicago loved Sammy. Of course when he jumped ship and went to the north side the love was lost (from those of us on the south side).
  • FuturemanFutureman Posts: 135 ✭✭
    My dad, grandpa, and I arrived early to a Cubs game in 1995 (right after the strike). I saw other kids by the dugouts getting autographs, so I took my program down and joined them. Turk Wendell was only in the majors a year or so, and he signed the cover with a Sharpie (it smudged a bit), and I had Kevin Foster sign the inside page. Howard Johnson and Scott Bullet were warming up along the side. After the finished I called to HoJo for the ball, and he tossed it to me. I then got it signed by Billy Williams. I was waiting for my then favorite player on the Cubs, Brian McRae, (since Sandberg had retired). While I was waiting, one of the old Cubs coaches was standing there signing for some people, but since I didn't know who Fergie Jenkins was, I didn't bother to have him sign the ball. The usher came over and shooed everyone away, so I returned to my seat. I saw McRae coming in from the outfield so I ran down, and got him to sign the ball too. I looked at the ball recently, and the signatures aren't as bold as I remembered (faded? I keep it out of the light), but it's still one of my favorite items because I had such a great time getting it.

    I ran up to Tommie Frazier as he was coming off the field at the end of the 1994 Kickoff Classic to ask for an autograph, instead he took off his wristbands and handed them to me. (I ended up giving one wristband to another kid that was down there. I still have one, wish I had both, but hopefully the other kid gets as much enjoyment out of the one I gave him as I do out of mine.) I ended up getting Frazier's autograph on a program after he left the lockerroom. For those that aren't familiar with Nebraska football, that was the game that started off the back-to-back championship seasons.

    There are some other ones, but those two stand out.
    The beatings will continue until morale improves.
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭
    I do the home landscape maintenace for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays equipment manager. One day he asked me if he could get me some autographs. I said sure,but it doesnt have to be Devil Rays players does it? We both had a laugh and I told him I was a Mets fan. So I bought a Piazza jersey and a Ventura jersey and gave them to him the next week. In less then a month both jerseys were signed and given back to me. He said anytime you want any more let him know. I still have not taken him up on anymore but I probably should.

  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I once got a garter belt from a San Antonio Gunslingers cheerleaderimage

  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,342 ✭✭✭✭
    My dad went to high school with and was close friends with a fellow by the name of John Paciorek. As a side note, John Paciorek had a 1.000 career batting average. John's younger brother is Tom Paciorek, who had a fairly successful Major League career. Growing up in Detroit, Tom Paciorek would leave us tickets whenever his teams (Seattle and Chicago) came to Tiger Stadium. My dad knew him well enough that we went on two "road trips", once in Toronto to see Seattle play Toronto in the Exhibition Stadium, and once at the old Comiskey to see the Chisox play the KC Royals.

    Both trips were incredible, especially for a young boy. In Toronto, we went to the day-time practice and shagged fly balls in an empty stadium. In Chicago, we ended up in the locker room and on the field much closer to game time. I got George Brett to autograph a ball. Upon leaving, Tom Paciorek gave me an unused Greg Luzinski bat, and he gave my brother an unused Carlton Fisk bat. My brother got the better of the deal in the long run, but The Bull was my favorite for a long time and I'm still happy with the deal.

    Anyway, to make a long story even longer, Aurelio Rodriguez was on the Chisox at the time. He was my favorite growing up when he was the Tigers 3rd baseman. He was famous for his glove, which he covered in black shoe polish for some reason. He let me hold that glove, and he gave me one of his cracked bats. Needless to say, I cherish the bat (or should I say the memory it represents).
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cool story Detroit!

    thanx for sharing
  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,342 ✭✭✭✭
    Mike, thanks for the kind words.

    Sadly, a lot of my good memories were dampened by this story.

    After one trip to Tiger Stadium, my dad and brother and I went out to get pizza with Tom Paciorek and many of his family and friends. Included in this group was the priest mentioned in this story. I remember as clear as day how much he talked to my dad. When the above story broke, I was terrified. My dad said he had no idea and he too was shocked. It was a great lesson for me. Tom Paciorek is one of the classiest people I've ever met, and then I find out about this and I just felt awful for him. His older brother John was having some emotional issues, now we all know why.

    I learned a valuable lesson . . . that is, you never EVER know what someone could be hurting over.
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    I don't know if MORGANNA qualifies as a player, but i got kissed by her about 18 years ago at Dodger Stadium. I'm sure the older guys here will remember herimage
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    I wasn't given anything but it was a great memory. I was friendly with Phil Jackson's daughter in high school and this is when he was coaching the bulls. She dated a good friend of mine and when the family was out of town my friend had a few of us at their house to play hoops(they had a great outdoor half-court w/ an NBA hoop & board and it was on a crank so it could be raise and lowered, not like one of those cheap adjustable ones they have now). Anyhow we went inside and got some water and one of the guys called me over to the family room. I went over there and the door to a trophy case was open and I looked and he had 3 championship rings on his fingers. I was next to put them on and I was in awe that I had those puppies on my digits even though it was for less than a minute. He had some great memorabilia in that house, from a signed ball of the 73 Champion Knicks with Frazier, Bradley, DeBusschere, Reed, Lucas and Monroe to a signed symbol from The Grateful Dead.

    That is something I will never forget. I had the Bulls first 3 championship rings on my hand.

    My Auctions
  • sweet stories. I noticed a lot of Chicago related stories..kinda interesting.

    Im very jealous of zef204 story about the Bulls Championship rings...thats sweet! wtg~

  • Back in the mid to late 80's I was the Sports Editor for a newpaper in Illinois and I covered alot of St. Louis Cardinal games in Busch Stadium on a regular basis. There were many times I would be on the field before games talking to the players or in the locker room afterwards. It was cool as I got to talk with all the players all the time and it got to the point that most of the players, Vince Coleman, Ozzie Smith, Wille McGee to name a few knew my name and would say hello when they saw me. I used to get all kinds of stuff back then, bats, signed balls, batting gloves. I got to be pretty good friends with Vince Coleman and he gave me all kinds of items. I have a couple of his jerseys and bats as well as batting gloves, shoes, pants.and a couple of hats. I also have a ball that he personalized to me saying "To a future star".

    I also have several game used items from Ozzie Smith, Willie McGee, Bruce Sutter, Tommy Herr and George Hendrix to name just a few.

    I also have had the pleasure of covering NFL and NBA games where I have interviewed one on one with Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, James Worthy and alot of other players from that time period. The only one I was not able to do a interview with was Michael Jordan as I could never get that one accomplished.

    Those were the perks of being in the media as I could get access to most anywhere and to anyone, but the long hours and the pay is the reason I am no longer in that line of work.
  • nflhofnflhof Posts: 189 ✭✭
    I had Tood Heap give me a glove after a Charger game two years ago. Very cool.
  • About 6 years ago (or so) my son and I were at a LA Kings game. We were in the Co. corporate seats on the glass behind the Kings bench (not the best seats). As the game was winding down Luc Robitaille skated to the bench and grabbed a towel to wipe his face. While joking with a teammate he threw the towel at him. He threw it a little too hard and it jumped the glass and landed in my sons lap. I thought it was gross and told him to throw it back. Luc waived to my son and signaled for him to keep it. I had him put it on the ground...yuk. Less than a minute later, just after the face-off Luc scored his 1000 point. The stadium went wild and they paused the game to recognize his achievement. I said "pick up that towel son."

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You're a lucky guy! That's some great memories to carry with you forever! And picking up all that GU stuff is fantastic. If you ever want to take the time to scan/pic any of the things - please do!

    Great story! If you could gotten him to auto the towel - when dried - and say GU towel at 1000th - would be way too cool!!

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