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2000 Post Giveaway. WINNERS POSTED Tell a nice story about another collector or dealer.

Share a nice coin related story about a fellow collector or dealer. Perhaps someone that inspired you, when you were starting out, or maybe a dealer that went out of his/her way, to do something special for you. I will choose 3 winners on Thursday June 9. Each will receive 36 flag holders, for your slabbed coins.

Winners are:

Special prize. If Laura at Legend, PM's me, I will send a dozen, to show off the nice $4 mil Nickel.


  • DarinDarin Posts: 6,840 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, a few weeks ago I bought a coin on ebay, an 1885-0 Morgan graded by PCGS as MS65 in an old rattler holder. It has gorgeous golden rim toning on the obverse that reaches a crescendo exactly at the bottom, creating an amplifying effect on the date. The coin has tremendous luster, and the very few contact marks it has are miniscule, and this particular coin could easily be in an MS66 holder.

    Anyway, this particular dealer who sold me this masterpiece went by the name of Mark Glicker or something like that, ebay name of greatservice, and this kindhearted fellow was generous enough to send the coin in one of those beautiful flag holders. This magnanimous gesture brought me unabashedly to tears, and my thoughts turn to love and goodwill towards my fellow man whenever I think about it.

    By the way, do you disqualify people for brown nosing?
  • MonstavetMonstavet Posts: 1,235 ✭✭
    I'll mention a few:

    Bennybravo (he doesn't post here anymore unfortunately), for inviting me over to these boards after we had some deals on Ebay for PCGS JFKs many moons ago.

    Frank Corso - sold me his duplicates for my Jefferson Registry set many moons ago, at unbelievable prices. All coins he had submitted himself, and many were close seconds to the ones that remain in his top-ranked set today (according to Frank). Thanks, Frank! The coins have since gone to the winds.

    JR (I think he got bammed) - we had a fight here when I first joined these boards b/c I had an ACG coin for sale on Ebay. I didn't know all the wonderful things about ACG (the world's #1 grading service) at that time, and let's just say, JR enlightened me.

    Many others.
    Send Email or PM for free veterinary advice.
  • MyqqyMyqqy Posts: 9,777
    By the way, do you disqualify people for brown nosing?

    Man, dial it down a little...... image

    My little story deals with mostavet, the poster above me. A while ago, he had outbid me on a toned morgan on ebay- an 1878-S two sided toner in a 63 anacs holder. A few days ago, he pm's me, and says that he has to sell a few items, and wanted to give me first dibs on that morgan- since I was the one that he had outbid for it. I accepted, and thought the gesture was very cool........ image
    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable !
  • clw54clw54 Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭
    Rick Kay. He's taken the time to show me some beautiful patterns a couple of times at Long Beach, even though I wasn't a buyer. A real nice guy.
  • mbbikermbbiker Posts: 2,873
    Frank aka FC57Coins posted up a set of coins i was very intersted in but didn't have the cash to buy so i jokingly ask if he takes payments and his reply was "I'd just like to see them go to a good home - and for you, I'd make it $XXXX delivered." not only is he willing to hold a set of coins for over a month just so i can buy them he also knocks a few bucks off just because he's that kind of guy.
  • MillertimeMillertime Posts: 2,048 ✭✭
    My nice story is about Dick Osburn at Dick Osburn Rare Coins. I was involved in a recent coin swap that was initiated by Boom and I needed a seated liberty dime for my swap partner. I sent an email to Dick at 11:00 p.m. asking for a couple of recommendations from his site (I visited it for the first time that night), by 7:00 a.m. he sent me an email with three recommendations. He said he was headed out of town but if I let him know within a couple of hours he would send the coin that morning and to hold the payment until I'd received the coin and since I was a brand new customer he also took $10 off the price. In my opinion he's a class act and I wouldn't hesitate buying from him in the future.

  • MonstavetMonstavet Posts: 1,235 ✭✭
    Send Email or PM for free veterinary advice.
  • DUIGUYDUIGUY Posts: 7,252 ✭✭✭
    Bought a coin from Steve Estes. Sent an email to ask if the price included shipping charges. Debi emailed
    this response,"What the heck, its Friday night,why not." imageimage
    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly."

    - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC
  • joefrojoefro Posts: 1,872 ✭✭
    As a newbie here I was trying to find other newbies to TRADE wheaties with to fill holes in my collection. Only recently I have been able to successfully trade 4 for 4. However, much to my amazement... a couple of people just donated old wheaties to me! That made me really appreciate them even more and realize even more what makes this hobby so great... the collectors.
    Lincoln Cent & Libertad Collector
  • DarkmaneDarkmane Posts: 1,021
    i'd have to say my dad:

    gave my brother and i a bunch of common stuff when we were little, taught us some basics about coins but didnt push us, and collected primarily at face value in the late 50's and throughout the 60's. just really cool in my eyes, and he got me started!
  • JrGMan2004JrGMan2004 Posts: 7,557
    Cameron Kiefer - Ever since I arrived here on these forums almost a year and a half ago, Cameron has been my best friend, and my mentor. I have learned a lot from him, not just about coins, but about myself, and about life. Cameron has always been there for me, he helped me get started as an EBay seller, by selling me some cheap coins at cost, giving up his own profit, to help me get started. As much as Cameron gets knocked around here, he's a great guy, a great numismatist, and above all, a great friend. image
  • Here's a nice story - but it was NOT nice for me - it was nice for the fellow board member who ripped me off .......who GUARANTEED (several times, upon my need for verification on this) that a 1926 Oregon Trail he sold on the BST Board was NOT cleaned. When I just got it back from grading stating C L E A N E D, he not only hung up in my face, but renigged on his guarantee. (AU55 BTW) I wasn't concerned so much about grade as I was EMPHATIC about the cleaning part.

    I'd really been wanting one of these coins for a longgg time - and especially in my Dad's birth year in remembrance of him - and specifically wanted one was not cleaned.


    It has never been cleaned and is full original as I have stated before.

    i will guarantee the coin has not been cleaned or dipped.
    RE: 1926 Oregon Trail

    Not to be overdramatic, but this coin is incredible. Many people would call it Ch. Bu. In reality I call it Ch. Au 58+. It is a truly spectacular coin. The coin itself almost looks high relief. I have never really studied it before tonight very well, as I haven't looked at it in 20 years. The coin has tremendous 85% original mint lustre, it is 99% white with just a little very very light toning near the lower rim on the reverse, so little that you cant even see with the naked eye.

    There are absolutely no problems with the coin at all.

    It has never been cleaned and is full original as I have stated before.

    There is no spootting and no rim nicks or scratches of any sort whatsoever. You would have full 5 day return priviledge if you were unhappy with the coin for any reason. I take limited paypal and could send you an invoice. Grey sheet is $100 for AU50 and $127 for MS60. As in many cases, and this being one of them, the AU58+ is nicer than a typical MS60. Cost would be $115.00 including postage. If you want insurance you pay $2.20 for $100 insurance.

    Edited to add: I will admit it did take me a little while to get it sent in for grading and just got it back. It has been several months. However, the fact that it is cleaned has 'just' been verified - and fact remains - I was ripped off.

  • This one time at band camp, Mad Marty did...

    ~g image
    I listen to your voice like it was music, [ y o u ' r e ] the song I want to know.


    I'd give you the world, just because...

    Speak to me of loved ones, favorite places and things, loves lost and gained, tears shed for joy and sorrow, of when I see the sparkle in your eye ...
    and the blackness when the dream dies, of lovers, fools, adventurers and kings while I sip my wine and contemplate the Chi.
  • ERER Posts: 7,345

    << <i>Well, a few weeks ago I bought a coin on ebay, an 1885-0 Morgan graded by PCGS as MS65 in an old rattler holder. It has gorgeous golden rim toning on the obverse that reaches a crescendo exactly at the bottom, creating an amplifying effect on the date. The coin has tremendous luster, and the very few contact marks it has are miniscule, and this particular coin could easily be in an MS66 holder.

    Anyway, this particular dealer who sold me this masterpiece went by the name of Mark Glicker or something like that, ebay name of greatservice, and this kindhearted fellow was generous enough to send the coin in one of those beautiful flag holders. This magnanimous gesture brought me unabashedly to tears, and my thoughts turn to love and goodwill towards my fellow man whenever I think about it.

    By the way, do you disqualify people for brown nosing? >>


  • ERER Posts: 7,345
    Just kidding.

    Markg Licker is a good guy.image
  • markglickermarkglicker Posts: 1,486
    Take it easy, ER and Neptune. I try to do a serious thread, and you fellas got to putz around.
  • I would like to tell a story about a board member, but I would prefer not to mention his name to protect his privacy. In any event, I made a post a few months ago about some raw Morgans I was thinking about submitting that looked good to me. I had asked if there was anyone who would mind taking a look at them for me. I rec'd a PM from this person, with whom I had never previously communicated, stating I should ship him the coins and he would take a look for me. He said he would also submit them for me at his cost. Well, it turned out that my eye was not as good as I had thought. This member PM'ed his findings, and suggested it was not worht submitting them. he then shipped them back to me at his expense.

    He's one hell of a nice guy, and nothing would please me more than to give him the credit he deserves. But alas I am sure he would prefer to remain anonymous.
  • btmoore9btmoore9 Posts: 352
    I would like to tell a nice story about a collector here on the forum but am not interested in winning....so if my name is drawn please give it to a YN. I am always inspired by LucyBop! image First off because she is a very prominent female figure on this forum and I think that's great and second because she is very kind hearted and always willing to help/support people on this forum....not that others aren't though because I think this forum is full of great people. LucyBob just inspires me from a female stand point and I think she's awesome!! image
    Live like you were dying.
    (My beautiful children!!)
  • Not having access to alot of coin dealers in my area (only one and it was very negative) I deal mainly with this board and although there are many who have certainly helped me out a great deal I think one has and continues to go out of his way to bring me up to speed. I often pm him the stupidest questions (the ones I would feel uncomfortable posting in public). He always takes the time to answer my pm's showing patience and even advising me at times to post my question here (I guess maybe those are the not "real stupid ones"). I hope and expect that everyone on this board from the newbie to the expert has a mentor or does some mentoring....

    Thanks Terry

    Great giveaway and congrats on your 2000
    There is nothing more powerful than the power of goodbye
  • Here is a story about my local coin dealer.

    I bough my first coin from this dealer.
    He is a old and nice man.
    Every time, I go to his shop, he teaches me some numismatic knowledge.
    He is just like a numismatic teacher for me.

    One bad news is that he is going to close his store soon.
  • MrHalfDimeMrHalfDime Posts: 3,440 ✭✭✭✭
    I could honestly tell any of several stories about one particular dealer who has gone out of her way to do something special, but let me relate just one such story.

    A few years ago, at a regional coin show in Boston, I passed a dealer's table and was immediately drawn to a small stack of Wayte Raymond National Coin Album pages. These pages were for the Liberty Seated half dime series, and although not full, contained about twenty +/- XF and AU gorgeously toned coins. I asked to see them, and after studying them for a while, I asked the dealer if he would give me prices on a few of the coins. He responded rather abruptly that he was selling them strictly as a group, and would not consider breaking them up. A few attempts to pursuade him to sell me the six or seven coins I was interested in fell on deaf ears, and did little more than etrench his position, so I gave up in frustration.

    Several months later, at one of the relatively recent ANA summer conventions in New York, I stumbled across the same dealer, and there in the corner of his case were the very same album pages, with the same half dimes still intact. My renewed attempts to pry the few half dimes of interest from him were no more successful than before, so I walked away determined to never do business with that particular dealer.

    Within minutes of that frustrating event, I happened to meet Liz Coggan, of J. J. Teaparty in the aisle. I have enjoyed a wonderful relationship with Liz for many years, and it is always a pleasure to talk coins with her. I related the previous incident to her, but to this day I am convinced that I never revealed the name of the other dealer; I simply described the incident anonymously. We exchanged pleasantries, and Liz made a parting comment along the lines "Well, you win a few, you lose a few".

    No more than 15 minutes later, Liz caught up with me in the aisle and handed me the pile of Wayte Raymond half dime album pages, with a big smile on her face. She instructed me "Take them home, study them, take out the ones you want, and return the rest. We can always use new stock". I was stunned. Now how's that for customer service?!

    In another thread, Mark Feld advised collectors to identify a dealer with whom thay can work, and whom they trust, and 'stick to them like glue'. This would seem to be good advice. And the old saw about "Do unto others" should be added. I have attempted to reciprocate some of the favors to Liz over the years, but she always seems to be ahead of me.

    Should you determine that this story is worthy of winning, like the other participant before me, please give any winnings to a YN in the hopes that he/she will continue in this wonderful hobby.
    They that can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither Liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin
  • 7 years ago when I was 9 years old i was cleaning my room and i noticed my oled coin jar that I had sitting on my desk. I opened it up and started to look through it. I took out all of the pennies and I separated all of the dates into piles (I knew nothing about mint marks at this time). This is when i started collecting coins.
    A few weeks later I went to visit my grandfather. I brought all of my coins with him to show him. I had every date from about 1965-1998. He said that he has something that I might be interested in. A few minutes later he brings out this huge box. In it he has thousands and thousands of coins. He had two $1000 dollar Morgan dollar bags that he got in the sixties. He had countless wheat pennies, buffalo nickels and a lot of various coins ranging from the 1820's to the 1960's. He had been collectings coins since the forties. I was in awe. I loved looking at his coins. While I was looking at them he handed me an Indian head cent whitman folder, a Lincoln cent one, and a Buffalo nickel one. He told me to go through his coins and try to fill the folders. I said ok and began doing it. Hours later when it was time to go home I was getting ready to leave and he said, "Wait you forgot your coins." I stared at him in disbelief. He was giving me the folders! I couldnt believe it. In these folders I held a 1909-s VDB cent, a 1909-S lincoln AND Indian head cent. I had a three legged buffalo nickel. I had a 1914-D Cent. I had a 1955 Double die. I couldnt believe what he was giving me. He is the one that really started me out collecting coins. He taught me the golden rules of coin collecting, never clean the coin, only grip it on the edges, and protect the coins. He taught me what Numismatic meant. He got me into collecting and I have never stopped. He always gives me coins because I am only 16 dont really have the money to buy them. He buys me subscribtions to coin magazines so I can learn more about this wonderful hobby. He has influenced me so much in my early numismatic career and his teachings will be with me for the rest of my life.

  • << <i>7 years ago when I was 9 years old i was cleaning my room and i noticed my oled coin jar that I had sitting on my desk. I opened it up and started to look through it. I took out all of the pennies and I separated all of the dates into piles (I knew nothing about mint marks at this time). This is when i started collecting coins.
    A few weeks later I went to visit my grandfather. I brought all of my coins with him to show him. I had every date from about 1965-1998. He said that he has something that I might be interested in. A few minutes later he brings out this huge box. In it he has thousands and thousands of coins. He had two $1000 dollar Morgan dollar bags that he got in the sixties. He had countless wheat pennies, buffalo nickels and a lot of various coins ranging from the 1820's to the 1960's. He had been collectings coins since the forties. I was in awe. I loved looking at his coins. While I was looking at them he handed me an Indian head cent whitman folder, a Lincoln cent one, and a Buffalo nickel one. He told me to go through his coins and try to fill the folders. I said ok and began doing it. Hours later when it was time to go home I was getting ready to leave and he said, "Wait you forgot your coins." I stared at him in disbelief. He was giving me the folders! I couldnt believe it. In these folders I held a 1909-s VDB cent, a 1909-S lincoln AND Indian head cent. I had a three legged buffalo nickel. I had a 1914-D Cent. I had a 1955 Double die. I couldnt believe what he was giving me. He is the one that really started me out collecting coins. He taught me the golden rules of coin collecting, never clean the coin, only grip it on the edges, and protect the coins. He taught me what Numismatic meant. He got me into collecting and I have never stopped. He always gives me coins because I am only 16 dont really have the money to buy them. He buys me subscribtions to coin magazines so I can learn more about this wonderful hobby. He has influenced me so much in my early numismatic career and his teachings will be with me for the rest of my life. >>

    This story sucks.... dammmm, if you don't win...image
    There is nothing more powerful than the power of goodbye
  • How does my story suck arlea?

  • << <i>How does my story suck arlea? >>

    Cause it is so much better than mine......image

    It is a great story... please don't let my sarcasm reign, it was touching, informative and well written.....almost brought a tear to my eye... but then real men don't cry...image
    There is nothing more powerful than the power of goodbye
  • mrpaseomrpaseo Posts: 4,753 ✭✭✭
    Do these things actually sell? I've seen these as a giveaway a few times, and now your giving away 36 of them?
  • markglickermarkglicker Posts: 1,486
    Do these things actually sell? I've seen these as a giveaway a few times, and now your giving away 36 of them?

    I sell a few, Mr P. It is certainly not a high volume item, but it is a product that I designed, and enjoy seeing used by the coin community.
  • Oh, Im sorrry I couldnt tell that you were being sarcastic.image
  • MonstavetMonstavet Posts: 1,235 ✭✭

    I am always inspired by LucyBop! First off because she is a very prominent female figure on this forum

    You do realize that Lucy and Russ are the same person, right?
    Send Email or PM for free veterinary advice.
  • They are?? I never would have figured that one out.
  • I mite get hubby to do me a Bison like that. image
  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭

    << <i>They are?? I never would have figured that one out. >>

    Be Bop A Lula.

    Russ, NCNE
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • One Bump.
  • carlcarl Posts: 2,054
    I was going to tell a story but after reading the one from DickyBetz, I can't remember what I was going to write. He should win after that or at least go pay the guy for all the coins. By the way DickyBetz, what condition were those coins?

  • << <i>what condition were those coins? >>

    They are anywhere from good-fine.
  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd like to nominate Nysoto, who took an interest in a coin I had posted and asked questions about. I was having trouble definitively attributing the Overton variety of my 1807 DB half, we conversed back and forth via PM about the coin for a while and became convinced that it was a new variety. Nysoto (Bill) is a member of the Bust Half Nut Club and forwarded images of the piece in question to them; they also thought it was a new die. Bill arranged for the coin to be examined by experts, and long story short, it's the first new variety of draped bust half discovered since 1995. This all happened just over a year ago, the whole story is here, and I am still grateful to Nysoto, who pursued the topic and followed through, even flying out and meeting me in Long Beach. We had a great time at the show verifying and documenting the discovery, and meeting and speaking with experts and other collectors of early halves. The highlight of my numismatic experiences!

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • btmoore9btmoore9 Posts: 352

    << <i>btmoore...

    I am always inspired by LucyBop! First off because she is a very prominent female figure on this forum

    You do realize that Lucy and Russ are the same person, right? >>

    Hu? I hope you're pulling my chain image
    Live like you were dying.
    (My beautiful children!!)
  • markglickermarkglicker Posts: 1,486
    Winners posted, on top thread. Thanks everyone.
  • btmoore9btmoore9 Posts: 352
    Congrats to all!! image
    Live like you were dying.
    (My beautiful children!!)

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