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Does anyone have a picture of the edge of an early dollar?

DarinDarin Posts: 6,580 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have an 1800 dollar in an NGC holder, and know it says 'HUNDRED CENTS, ONE DOLLAR OR UNIT' on the edge, but of course on my slabbed coin I have never seen it. I haven't been to a coin show since I was a kid, some 30 years ago and have never seen one raw to look at.

The red book says, when describing the 94-95 flowing hair dollars, there are decorations between words on the edge. Are there also decorations between words on the bust dollars, and what are these decorations.
Does the wording go around the entire edge of the coin, or just part of it? I know you folks are great with pictures, and was wondering if anyone had a picture? Any help would be appreciated.

Stupid list…. Mistlin


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    DarinDarin Posts: 6,580 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ignore that disgusted emoticon, that was a mistake. Was trying for a different one, and posted that by mistake. I'm a dumb newbie.


    Stupid list…. Mistlin

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    GonfunkoGonfunko Posts: 1,480 ✭✭✭
    One word: Hammer. image
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    DarinDarin Posts: 6,580 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gonfunko, Crack out my Bust dollar? Thanks, but I think I'll wait until either PCGS or NGC comes up with a holder that shows off the edge and have them do it. I've never cracked out a coin, I'd probably damage it. Then I'd just be pissed at myself. image

    Stupid list…. Mistlin

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    ERER Posts: 7,345
    Stuart's 1799 bust dollar is raw, I think. Check with him.

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