does anyone pay Bid for mint and proof sets?

Looking for dealer suggestions about where I can go with two sets of 1959-2004 mint sets and three runs of 1955-2004 proof sets (some clad but mostly silver). If I've counted right the total is 268 sets in all.
Or is this a good place?
A coin newbie friend of mine who refused to take my advice about not buying modern mint and proof sets has finally seen the light and now wants out.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Or is this a good place?
A coin newbie friend of mine who refused to take my advice about not buying modern mint and proof sets has finally seen the light and now wants out.
Thanks for any suggestions.
When in doubt, don't.
With Ebay you'll still sell at around bid, but have to pay the fees as well.
I'm sure you'll get differing opinions.
Good luck!
Ebay Stuff