WTB: 5 francs with toning, unc

I'm looking for a toned example of a French 5 francs with the striding Liberty and the words Republique Francaise on the obverse. A 2 francs piece might work also. Please pm, thanks.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."