1884-s Morgan for sale - Accepting Offers until 5/1

I'm going to be selling a number of morgan dollars. I wi lstart here in the forums first before ebay. These will be raw coins from my Uncles collection. A local shop offered $7 each for most and $15 for others like this 1884-s. I'll take offers here first for the coins. I will list them as time permits. total 52 coins various dates. 40 of which are Morgans. I will put pictures of each and will accept offers for 2 days. Figure a $1.30 to ship anywhere in US. My ebay ID is ekreks if you want to check out my feedback or email me through there to see that I'm legit.
I'm not sure how good the forum is for selling. I will take paypal and checks. After a sale if the buyer permits, I'd like to list the username and cin in future postings - to assure other buyers that not only am I o nthe up and up, but I'm a decent person to do business with. My uncle 85 could care less about his collection, and I have no interest in most of what he has, I'm keeping an 1884-O anda the 1900-O for myself ( I'm paying him the coinmag retail price - but he's buying breakfast when I see him! I know there are plenty out here that would probably like a good deal or access to some of these. If this doesn't work after each one is listed it's off to ebay. after that into a box back in the army trunk for someone else to try and help him make a few bucks. Other than this one I will go by date. or email me if you need a date/want a scan
ekreks on ebay
I'm not sure how good the forum is for selling. I will take paypal and checks. After a sale if the buyer permits, I'd like to list the username and cin in future postings - to assure other buyers that not only am I o nthe up and up, but I'm a decent person to do business with. My uncle 85 could care less about his collection, and I have no interest in most of what he has, I'm keeping an 1884-O anda the 1900-O for myself ( I'm paying him the coinmag retail price - but he's buying breakfast when I see him! I know there are plenty out here that would probably like a good deal or access to some of these. If this doesn't work after each one is listed it's off to ebay. after that into a box back in the army trunk for someone else to try and help him make a few bucks. Other than this one I will go by date. or email me if you need a date/want a scan
ekreks on ebay
IThe coins range in grade I think the 1884-O's are all at least ms 60+ no better than 63 a majority of them in vf-xf. Ido ahve 9 of the 1884-O's think they part of a roll he pulled apart in 64 to put in hs books. He tole me his wife used a few to do laundry one time. I may go with the delaers offer, he resells them for $15 and $30 respectively so a 100% markup. I just wanted normal people to have chance at dealer prices.
Again thanks for the link, know of any others for other style coins?