Just my little eBay rant.

I'm getting positive feedback, which is good. But it seems for the past few months, I never get
any feedback from a purchase untill I leave them a feedback. They all seem to be holding hostage
your feedback untill you leave them one. What ever happened to when they got your money, they
leave you feedback, and when you get the items, you leave them one back? I know they are
probably waiting to make sure everything is ok on your side.
any feedback from a purchase untill I leave them a feedback. They all seem to be holding hostage
your feedback untill you leave them one. What ever happened to when they got your money, they
leave you feedback, and when you get the items, you leave them one back? I know they are
probably waiting to make sure everything is ok on your side.
The E-Bay feedback system has to be overhauled.
Greg M.
Onlychild, Ahmanfan, fabfrank, wufdude, jradke, Reese, Jasp, thenavarro
E-Bay id: greg_n_meg
that never worked
For instance.. I state in the auction a major flaw with something I have up and have very large clear pictures showing it and they leave me negative feedback regarding the flaw without even e-mailing me first.
I've received negative feedback for signed items saying in the neg 'It didn't come with a COA' well I never stated that it had one. My favourite was 'it took 8 days!' umm your in the US I live in Canada what do you expect for $2 shipping.
Since 'holding feedback hostage' I've found these undeserved negative feedbacks have stopped.
Looking for 81-84 Topps Stickers in PSA 9 or better, 81 Topps Scratch offs, 83 Topps Fold outs in PSA 8 or better, 83 Fleer Stamps and 81/86 Fleer Star Stickers in PSA 9 or better.
Doesn't bother me anymore. Not a whole lot you can do
about it. As a buyer, yes I notice that they wait to see if I leave
them FB first then they'll reciprocate. Ain't gonna happen. I don't
care about it. I received the product; he/she rec'd my money; we can
leave it at that. As a seller, same thing. I used to leave FB upon receipt
of payment. Got popped a couple times because some kid didn't read the
description correctly and a chargeback from Paypal. Eventually no one's going
to leave FB for anyone anymore.
I always leave positive FB as soon as I'm happy with what I get. If I don't like something but it's not worth returning or complaining - then I leave nothing.
In this climate today with all the neurotics out there - if I were a seller, I would leave a positive for payment if the rating of the buyer looks really good - otherwise, I would be careful also. You can't blame anyone for how they feel - it will take a lot for me to sell and deal with a bunch of crap.