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Results from New Kahn's Submission

So I've send in about 5 submissions of Kahn's Basketball cards and got the results of my first two sets today. I thought people may be interested to see the submission because it shows just how cruddy most of the cards are (now cruddy is a word that needs to be used more often).


#4286593, Zip: 10036
These cards came from uncirculated sets. The 1963 are extremely off centered. Still, the 1962's are the highest graded Kahn's sofar (and the second non-circulated set graded).

#572245, Zip: 10036
These were the best circulated examples I had left to grade (save the 1961 Buckhalter that was an uncirculated example). These things are tough!

If anyone collects baseball or basketball Kahns, WHEN WILL PSA GIVE US A FREAKIN HOLDER THAT FITS THE CARDS. I think I could literally turn the card upside down by shaking it in the holder. I have at least two inches of clearance on all sides of the card.





  • jayhawkejayhawke Posts: 1,317 ✭✭✭
    So, are you happy with the grades? 7's and 8's don't seem like bad grades.
  • I'm thrilled with the grades for the 62's and 63's. I am also thrilled with the grades for the 59's (a PSA 4 and a PSA 5 rock for this set since no uncirculated cards are known for pre-1960 issues).

    As for the later issues, I'm happy I just got them graded. I really wish more people would get theirs graded b/c I want there to be more of a market for them. I mean it sucks when you are the only one on the registry and there is nobody to compete with. Takes all the fun out of it.

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