in Q & A Forum
First of all i want to say i'm proud to be part of pcgs. The comment that i would like to make is that i liked the $99.00 club price with the four free submittions. If i looking at it right i have lost the four free submittions on the 99.00 level and get a free book. I now have to pay 199.00 to get eight free submittions. Eight free submittions is great, but why don't you at least break it down so you only have to submitt 4 at a time instead of all eight. It is very hard for a small collector like my self to submitt 8 coin at a time and all have to be the same sevice level. When i pay to be a part of pcgs i pay to get coins graded not to get a free book.
First of all i want to say i'm proud to be part of pcgs. The comment that i would like to make is that i liked the $99.00 club price with the four free submittions. If i looking at it right i have lost the four free submittions on the 99.00 level and get a free book. I now have to pay 199.00 to get eight free submittions. Eight free submittions is great, but why don't you at least break it down so you only have to submitt 4 at a time instead of all eight. It is very hard for a small collector like my self to submitt 8 coin at a time and all have to be the same sevice level. When i pay to be a part of pcgs i pay to get coins graded not to get a free book.
Hi Rex,
In all honesty, we changed the freebies from 4 for $99 to 8 for $199 because all the 4 for $99s were really clogging up the system and contributing significantly to our backlog problem and husting customer satisfaction. Eight coins take nearly the same time to process as four coins. Our theory being we could do twice as many coins for our customers...or the same number of coins in half the time.
It was a production decision. Not trying to run off the "little guy," just trying to satisfy as many customers as possible.