WANTED- 1938 Jefferson MS 63 or better

I'm new to collecting and want a few coins, I hate gettig sniped on ebay and usually (probably) pay more than I should. I'd like to find a few coins that mean soemthing to me, unfortunately a few dates coincide with the hard to get ones. I'm looking to add many coins over the next few months and have been actively buying on the net and ebay. Right now focusing on PCGS graded coins. Anyhow, if someone, wants to email me with good prices ( non of this coin value mag price - Full retail price stuff.) I 'm a soilid person/buyer and just want a few good people to turn to to buy from. I'll still use ebay, heritage, DL and stacks but I know I'm getting raked over the coals on a few of my buys. O.K. long story short.
I want 1938 Jefferson PCGS ms 63 or better, 1967 lincoln, ms 65 or better, 1967 dime, ms 65 or better. I'd really like a nice shield nickel, any date preferably the start or end of series ms 63 or better and some baber type coins ms 62+ my key dates are begining and end of series for the barber coins. If there are any dealers out there or private collectors who want to sell soe of their surplus or whatever - let me know. I collected as kid, lost most of my coins to various moves, and sales to get by and now want back in. So there you have it.
One other item I'd like to get a 1859 indian head, 1909 indian head ms62+ a trade dollar AU+.
I will check you out via the boards before I get into a buying arrnagment - so if your a solid person, honest and a fair trader - feel free to write me.
I want 1938 Jefferson PCGS ms 63 or better, 1967 lincoln, ms 65 or better, 1967 dime, ms 65 or better. I'd really like a nice shield nickel, any date preferably the start or end of series ms 63 or better and some baber type coins ms 62+ my key dates are begining and end of series for the barber coins. If there are any dealers out there or private collectors who want to sell soe of their surplus or whatever - let me know. I collected as kid, lost most of my coins to various moves, and sales to get by and now want back in. So there you have it.
One other item I'd like to get a 1859 indian head, 1909 indian head ms62+ a trade dollar AU+.
I will check you out via the boards before I get into a buying arrnagment - so if your a solid person, honest and a fair trader - feel free to write me.