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Peace Dollar VAM question.

What is the rarity.......and approximate value, of the 1922 D VAM 12A.

And is there a place to look this stuff up online? (my VAM book is old)


  • Vamlink

    There should be smoething in here.
  • PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    Only seem to be able to find the "top 50" there. Unless im doing something wrong.
  • After searching the link all I could find was this on 12A.

    << <i>"Moustache" variety. Die Break that runs from Liberty's nose down cheek. Formerly VAM 2B. >>

    No pricing or rarity.

    Oh well,I tried.

  • I have a January 2005 SSDC Peace Dollar Value Guide (Certified) and can look up the price at grade vs. common. What is the grade of your coin?

    And yes there is a place to look it up but the update there is not as current as the recent SSDC news letter.

    Ashmore.com -Top50 Peace Dollar Price Guide from 10/04

    Then click on "VAM UPDATE" on the left side bar. You will then see the link on the top left of the page.

    If I only had a dollar for every VAM I have...err...nevermind...I do!! image

    My "Fun With 21D" Die State Collection - QX5 Pics Attached
    Proud Owner of
    2 –DAMMIT BOY!!! ® Awards
  • PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭

    << <i>After searching the link all I could find was this on 12A.

    << <i>"Moustache" variety. Die Break that runs from Liberty's nose down cheek. Formerly VAM 2B. >>

    No pricing or rarity.

    Oh well,I tried.

    image >>

    Thats not it. This one has a die break starting at the rim to the left of the Y, going through the Y, and then back to the rim.

    found out its an R-6

    But will still be neat to know pricing in all the different conditions.
  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since the 1922-D VAM 12A is not a Top 50 variety, it'll be tough to give a guess as to the value. I recently sold a circulated 1922 VAM 2L on eBay for about $35, and it has a similar die break to yours.

  • Here's the description of the coin.

    12A(Formerly VAM 1C) II 1 · B1c (Doubled Reverse Rays, Die Break Y) R-6. Obverse II 1– Die break from rim at left of Y in LIBERTY thru top of Y and extending to right in field.

    Not much premium in it. Anything not in the top 50 is sometimes difficult to "unload" unless it's a R-7. There's only 1-2 buyer's purchasing VAM's out of the top 50....... for now.

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