Unsearched Lincolns and Peace Dollar with lovely toning
The Peace Dollar has the toning, not the Lincolns. Well, I haven't searched through the Lincolns, so I really don't know if they have toning or not. The Peach Dollar, I mean the Peace Dollar, has all the toning. Just wanted to correct my English.
Check 'em out on eBay!
Check 'em out on eBay!
Love in Jesus & Xanadu,
Apostle Saint Dennis
SmartEnterprises: The Phoenix!
Log on to: Church Of The Holy Ghost
Apostle Saint Dennis
SmartEnterprises: The Phoenix!
Log on to: Church Of The Holy Ghost
Now for our Jewish friends: Anyone who is Jewish may qualify for an additional 10 per cent off! That’s right. 10% off the purchase price if you are Jewish. Remember: we are A Christian Retain Nonprofit Company and we are counting that 10% as part of the company Tithe for the Lord. To qualify, you must send an eMail to SaintDennisSmart@NetZero.Net and provide your Full Name and the Tribe you belong to. If approved, you may take off 10% from your purchase price (before shipping).
We want the Lord’s Blessings from God and Jesus. Anyone who honors the Jews as God’s Chosen People will be Blessed according to God’s Word.
e-mail me here
POTD 8-30-05 (awarded by dthigpen)
POTD 9-8-05 (awarded by gsaguy)
GSAGUY Slam 12-10-04
Not enough popcorn for this one.
Apostle Saint Dennis
SmartEnterprises: The Phoenix!
Log on to: Church Of The Holy Ghost
Apostle Saint Dennis
SmartEnterprises: The Phoenix!
Log on to: Church Of The Holy Ghost
hey! what about old Navy Veterns that used to be a alter boys? do we get a discount?