Selling by coin #2 Finest - 2004 Mint Set "California Collection"

I will entertain offers on all coins. PLEASE quote me the price you are willing to pay. If it is exceptable I will respond with a confirmation. I AM NOT GOING TO QUOTE PRICES. (If I do you will probally not like my price) This set was on ebay for 6800.00 a couple of weeks ago. I have decided to break this one up as I have the #1 set as well. Bid High get the coin. I don't want to sound rude, I just don't have the time to answer allot of questions about coins that buyers should know what the current premiums commanded for the top pops available in this set. Thanks for your considerations.

"After reading this, it does sound alittle harsh. That is not my intent. If iterested in these coins..send a PM or email ( with your reasonable offer, or coin you are interested in, and I will negoiate from there. Clearly, as stated , my time to entertain low ball numbers just isn't there, I have about an 1 hour a day of time to devote to the internet, and usually its at the end of my long ass, construction filled, tiring day. Hope this shed some light on my prevoius paragraph".
"After reading this, it does sound alittle harsh. That is not my intent. If iterested in these coins..send a PM or email ( with your reasonable offer, or coin you are interested in, and I will negoiate from there. Clearly, as stated , my time to entertain low ball numbers just isn't there, I have about an 1 hour a day of time to devote to the internet, and usually its at the end of my long ass, construction filled, tiring day. Hope this shed some light on my prevoius paragraph".
Email and prices returned you...looks like you hit the PM at 0900 and i got home from work at 1730, Pretty timly if you ask me.
massscrew: PM send, OOOO-RAHH
Gary: Huh???????