PCGS Authorized Dealers.

in Q & A Forum
Isn't a PCGS Authorized Dealer suppose to give a opinion about whether a coin will grade or be body bagged ? Obviously the submitter of the coin has the last word. Also does PCGS check the ethical standard of a dealer before letting the dealer become a Authorized Dealer ? If not, why not ? Last but not least. If a collector finds a dealer that is not ethical when representing PCGS, or stating what a coin will grade at PCGS, what can be done about the problem, if anything ?
Thanks for your time. Cheers.
Isn't a PCGS Authorized Dealer suppose to give a opinion about whether a coin will grade or be body bagged ? Obviously the submitter of the coin has the last word. Also does PCGS check the ethical standard of a dealer before letting the dealer become a Authorized Dealer ? If not, why not ? Last but not least. If a collector finds a dealer that is not ethical when representing PCGS, or stating what a coin will grade at PCGS, what can be done about the problem, if anything ?
Thanks for your time. Cheers.
Hi Ken,
PCGS dealers should help you with your submissions if you submitt through them. That said, PCGS dealers will not always know whether a coin will grade.
We do run checks and require references before someone can become a PCGS dealer.
If you have any problems with a PCGS dealer please contact PCGS Vice-President Mike Sherman at our office.
David Hall