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question about personal money order

I recently sold a card on ebay, and in payment I received a "Personal Money Order". What does that mean? Is that different than a cashier's check? Different than a regular money order? I had always thought that the USPS and other check-cashing places issued money orders, but the banks issued cashier's checks. So a "Personal Money Order" sounds kinda fishy. Although the document looks very official, along with watermarks ... so I'm probably just paranoid.


  • spacktrackspacktrack Posts: 1,084 ✭✭
    Banks will also issue money orders. What company does the MO come from?
  • Bank of America - does it matter?
    Thanks for any help. It should be no problem, right?
  • If Bank of America issued it, I don't believe you have anything to worry about.
  • gameusedhoopgameusedhoop Posts: 3,594 ✭✭✭✭
    My wife works at a bank and each bank has a minimum amount that a Cashier's check can be for, usually over $500, some higher, depends on the bank. Any amount under the minimum is done via a personal money order. They are very safe as the only way to obtain one is in person at the bank. I have used many in the past as there is no charge for me (saves $.95 at the PO) and there has never been a problem. They are safer that a check, usually can't have payment stopped on them, and everything clears in 24 hours now anyway.
  • great help, thanks all!
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