Greysheet prices on $5 Indian
Posts: 515
Does anyone know the greysheet bid/ask on a 1910 $5 Indian gold piece in AU58?
My local coin store has one on sale and I can't seem to find a similar coin sold recently for a price comparison. Thanks!
My local coin store has one on sale and I can't seem to find a similar coin sold recently for a price comparison. Thanks!
Dave - Durham, NC
Dum loquimur fugerit invida aetas. Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
Get used to it, the pickins on these are getting pretty darn slim and they go for whatever people will pay and be sure it's gonna be more than the sales history will give you. You should be able to find a '10 but the common (HA!) '13's and 14's are getting difficult to find as is the '08 in the p mints.
If you like these grab what you can for a reasonable price and trade your way up, that is the strategy I'm trying.
A common $5 in 62 is what I am refurring to.
I would like to start building the 20th Century Gold Major Design Type Set set.
I think PCGS AU58 would be in my budget if I take it slowly, but I am guessing that finding the coins will probably be the rate limiting step.
That and the $2.50 Liberty also MS-62 are the two I need.