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1806 - Battle of Jena

The war of 1806 came to an abrupt end on the twin battlefields of Jena-Auerstadt. Marshal Davout with a corps of men encountered the main Prussian army at Auerstadt. He was outnumbered at least three to one and did the only sensible thing; he attacked and defeated the Prussians decisively. Literally at the same moment a few miles away Napoleon was in nearly the same position as the Prussians at Auerstadt. Unlike them however he also crushed his opponent. It was really the pursuit that followed that destroyed the Prussians as a military force. They fought on however though as minor auxiliaries to the Russians in the campaign of 1807. Napoleon was furious with the Prussians for continuing after they were defeated and virtually destroyed the state with the Treaty of Tilsit.

Bramsen 539, the first example I've seen in white metal. 41mm.

There are at least 6 medals commemorating Jena and to my knowledge none for Auerstadt as a separate battle. It doesn't do to one-up the boss at what he's good at. image
Davout however was a professional to the core, arguably the best of the Marshals and one of the few Napoleon never let have an independent command. If he had I suspect the British would not have developed the distain they had for the Marshals.
You want how much?!!
(Last update 3/6/2007)


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