Yes. allows you to search through about a month further back. You can use it for free, but it nags you to pay 5 bucks a month for the service.
There is also Beckett's Ebay Value Guide which stores closing values on ebay for cards for the past few years, but it's slow and costs 20 bucks a month. It does have book value data on graded and raw cards though.
So if you combine all of these things, you get a complete picture pretty much, but it's kind of a pain.
There is also Beckett's Ebay Value Guide which stores closing values on ebay for cards for the past few years, but it's slow and costs 20 bucks a month. It does have book value data on graded and raw cards though.
So if you combine all of these things, you get a complete picture pretty much, but it's kind of a pain.