Some Complete sets for sale...

Prices include shipping. Nice spot free accurately graded coins. Full return priviledge...
Lincoln Cents 1959-2004 (with 60pd sd and ld, all 7 1982 vars, 103 coins) Near Gem BU $59
Lincoln Cents 1959-2004 (same 103 coins) Gem BU $149 (95% of the coins will be ms65 or better, only a few will be ms64, most zinc cents are ms66)
Lincoln Cents 1959-2004 ms65/66+ made on order to fit your price range, have sold sets for as much as $1000 to a board member.
(Add an ms64 70-s sd to any set for $45 extra).
Roosevelt Dimes 1946-1964 in Library of Coins album BU $135, many coins are Ch, a few are gem, some have FB. All coins are untoned. I'll throw in a whole bunch of GEM bu clad Roosies with it too!
OR Roosevelt Dimes 1946-2004 in Dansco Album. Almost all are CH BU or better, many are GEM BU $275.
Interested in partial sets of Jefferson Nickels, clad Roosies, silver or clad Washingtons, Franklins and Kennedies? Please ask. Thanks!
Lincoln Cents 1959-2004 (with 60pd sd and ld, all 7 1982 vars, 103 coins) Near Gem BU $59
Lincoln Cents 1959-2004 (same 103 coins) Gem BU $149 (95% of the coins will be ms65 or better, only a few will be ms64, most zinc cents are ms66)
Lincoln Cents 1959-2004 ms65/66+ made on order to fit your price range, have sold sets for as much as $1000 to a board member.
(Add an ms64 70-s sd to any set for $45 extra).
Roosevelt Dimes 1946-1964 in Library of Coins album BU $135, many coins are Ch, a few are gem, some have FB. All coins are untoned. I'll throw in a whole bunch of GEM bu clad Roosies with it too!
OR Roosevelt Dimes 1946-2004 in Dansco Album. Almost all are CH BU or better, many are GEM BU $275.
Interested in partial sets of Jefferson Nickels, clad Roosies, silver or clad Washingtons, Franklins and Kennedies? Please ask. Thanks!