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Biggest problem for 2005-6

RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭

So far, 2005 is off to quite a rocking start with the Richmond III, Scher, Hugon, Rasmussen, Gold Rush Collection and other big sales behind us. It seems that every other week, I am getting telephone book-sized auction catalogs at my house. (I cannot seem to give them away fast enough for my wife.) SS Republic and Eliasberg world gold coin sales are on the immediate horizon. It seems like 2005 has started where 2004 had left off.

But trees cannot grow to the sky, and there are probably some bumps in the road, even if good times in the coin business continue for the forseeable future.

Would you care to make any predictions for the next 12-18 months? Wow us with a couple of zingers that people will think you are crazy for saying now, but will make you look like a genius at the Summer ANA, 2006.



  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭


    While some coins have seen spectacular price increases, many great coins are still very reasonably priced. Internally, the coin market looks extremely healthy. And the external forces (inflation, the dollar, gold bullion prices, the stock market) all are in a trend that's very bullish for rare coins. While the market has been very good for a few years, it is nowhere near as hot as it was in 1973-74 and 1978-1980.

    This is going to be a REALLY BIG ONE...and I feel the gains of the past two years are just a minor preview of things to come.

    How's that!


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