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Error Problem with Profile - Need Help??? Please


Please forgive me for posting this here.... I don't know where else to post it and I have email the addy several times, but didn't get a reply back...

Everytime I click on Profile... I get this error message... Can someone help?

Again, Sorry for posting this here...

Forum Error
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An error occurred while evaluating the expression:

text = left(newtext, tagfind2-2) & "[/IMG]"

Error near line 363, column 8.

Parameter 2 of function Left which is now "-2" must be a positive integer

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFSET), occupying document position (363:2) to (363:52) in the template file D:FORUMS.COLLECTORS.COMREMOVECUSTOMHTML.CFM.



1991 Topps Desert Shield Baseball Cards - Gold Seal in Top Right Corner of cards.

We will pay top dollar for all PSA 9 & 10 cards.

We want all stars and commons. If you any cards... please email me.



...1991 TOPPS Desert Shield Baseball Card Collector
.....Since 1991 HOOAH!

S1991TOPPS@aol.com ">myemailaddress


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