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Parsippany NJ show Morgan VAMs - 1921-D's, Gator Eyes

I went to the Parsippany show today. Thanks to those who gave input, directions, etc. It was quite a shock. I just started collecting a year ago and am still a newbie. The lack of coin shops in my area has given me an isolated view on things. Most of my coins came from antique malls and eBay. I've only been to one show before today... and I think it had six tables.
Anyway... lots of Morgans. Lots of Morgans already labeled with VAM numbers (slabbed and raw). Lots of Top 100 and Hot 50 stickers.

The people were great. My main goal was to sell some MS60/63 common date Morgans and get spending money. I had about 30 coins (84-O, 85-O, 98-O). Several people had "buying" signs. The first didn't want them, the second offered too little, the third didn't want them. image I was directed to someone else (like I said, everyone was friendly). Showed him half of what I had and he bought them all. I kept the others. They're mostly I-2 R-3 VAMs in MS63 and I can't seem to sell them for common value.

Spent some of my money on this...
Picked up a raw 1887-P VAM 12 Alligator Eye MS60+. Walked down the next row and saw an ANACS slab 1887-P VAM 12 in MS64. It was only a few dollars more, so I bought it too. I need to check what these are going for on eBay.
I was trying to focus on 1921-D's. Found a raw 1B1 (Capped R). Thought I scored. It was mixed in with other 21-D's for $15-$20. Looked at the label and see "capped R" and a higher price.
Found three unattributed 1921-D VAMs for cheap... 1T (die break E), 1F (die break M), and a 2B (die break M). Pretty funny.. I just picked up a 2B last week!
I'll try to post a couple of pictures later tonight.


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    airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,016 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Way to not say hi image

    JK Coin Photography - eBay Consignments | High Quality Photos | LOW Prices | 20% of Consignment Proceeds Go to Pancreatic Cancer Research
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    << <i>Way to not say hi image

    image >>

    You looked busy. I was standing there with a couple of coffees and some doughnuts for about fifteen minutes. I didn't want to interupt and I was getting hungry. They were good doughnuts.

    For some reason, I expected big signs and banners. Thought it would be easier to spot familar names and signature lines. On my third pass through, I lifted my head away from the coins and noticed some business cards. Tried to put the pieces together, but it was too late. Were you on the left (as you enter), near the middle row? I wish I found you. I have a Morgan with some spotty pattern on the obverse... looks like marks from the bag... textile or whatever you call it. No color, just the pattern. Maybe I'll catch you next month!
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    Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭
    Sounds like you had a good show. What do the 21-D's grade at ?image
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    ms70ms70 Posts: 13,951 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I never made it. I hit the flea markets instead & bought non-coin junk to sell on eBay to turn into coin-buying $$$. image

    Sorry I missed out on the fun, rest assured that I would've much rather been buying coins. Thanks for the report and I'm glad you had a
    good time! image

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

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    << <i>What do the 21-D's grade at ? >>

    1T is XF/AU, 1B1 is XF, 2B is XF CLEANED, 1F is MS60/62.

    VAM 1B1

    VAM 1F

    VAM 2B

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