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1804 - Fetes du couronnement

About 2 weeks after Napoleon's coronation the City of Paris threw a big party that featured Napoleon and Joesphine as the guests of honor. There were two medals struck in honor of the occasion of which this is the more common. It's often listed as a coronation medal on the Bay but that's not technically true. In silver it's much less common. Unfortunately this piece was used as jewelry (I think) and the splashes of silver solder on both sides are left over from removing the mount. Since larger silver pieces were usually given to participants it's entirely possible that the first recipient was a woman who wanted to wear it and had the modification done.

36mm (though some authorities say 34mm) Bramsen 359

I've never thought this was a particularly flattering portrait of Joesphine, in fact Brenet's work was usually of a much higher standard suggesting that he did the work in a hurry or passed it off to an assistant. Forrer clearly lists this piece as his work however. That said, Joesphine shows up on less than a dozen contemporary pieces and I try to get everything I see with her on it.
You want how much?!!
(Last update 3/6/2007)


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