Coming up on EBAY, Orig BU roll set jeffs

Starting 3/6/05, I'm listing my personal roll set of BU Jeffersons (38 thru 52) on EBAY. Rolls will be auctioned individually, about 5-10 rolls per week. The only rolls missing are 39-D & S, 42-D. I have only one roll of each date. These coins have been in my possession for over 50 yr. Everything starts @ $1.00, with no reserve. These have never been cherrypicked. Forum members who are successful bidders WILL have return privileges, if not completely satisfied with the quality of these coins. I WILL consider FIRM cash offers on rolls not yet posted, but will NOT close auctions early once listed on EBAY.
My ebay ID is nankraut. Go get 'em.
My ebay ID is nankraut. Go get 'em.
I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
"Sorry, I cannot accept paypal, or any other form of payment." how should we pay should one of us win?