Latvia ship coins ...

I thought I remebered that somebody around here collected world ship coins ... found an interesting set.
Pattern coin of Latvia
Pattern coin of Latvia
1st You Suck - 04/07/05 - Thanks MadMarty!
Happy Rock Wrens
You're having delusions of grandeur again. - Susan Ivanova
Well, if you're gonna have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones. - Marcus Cole
Happy Rock Wrens
You're having delusions of grandeur again. - Susan Ivanova
Well, if you're gonna have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones. - Marcus Cole
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
<< <i>Very interesting - it seems that there are a lot of pattern coins showing up lately - those are nice!!
Shep >>
There shure have been quite a few pattern coins showing up as of late ... have even seen quite a few UK patterns and reproductions recently.
Happy Rock Wrens
You're having delusions of grandeur again. - Susan Ivanova
Well, if you're gonna have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones. - Marcus Cole
I have few ships for sale, just need to wait parcel from PCGS
Name: Mihail Božko From: Riga, Latvia Languages: Russian, English
WWW: My site
Main Numismatic Interests: The Baltic States, Euro coins, USSR, Modern Russia