Note to eBay buyers who've won my auctions!(htubbscoins)

If you posted a reply on my eBay thread,you qualify for free shipping!However since I may not know your eBay ID,I'm going to bill you for the shipping.Send me your eBay id via PM,or CU id via e-mail.Then I'll send you a correct invoice,or you can correct the invoice yourself,but I need to verfiy!
Also please note that I do not execpt credit cards!
Bumps after the auction has ended do not count!
Thank you!
PS Please bump this thread also,so all who need to see it,can!
Also please note that I do not execpt credit cards!
Bumps after the auction has ended do not count!
Thank you!
PS Please bump this thread also,so all who need to see it,can!