WTB...Sets Partial Sets...Cents thru Dollars

Small town shop needs you partial or full set of Indains, Lincoln, Buffalos, Liberty, Mercurys, Barber Dime
quarter half, Standing liberty walkers,franklins, Morgans peace.
Will buy outright or trade Silver 90% or Silver eagles
PM me or email me
Have board refernces.
Just tell me what you have and what you want
we'll see what we can do.
Thanks for looking
quarter half, Standing liberty walkers,franklins, Morgans peace.
Will buy outright or trade Silver 90% or Silver eagles
PM me or email me
Have board refernces.
Just tell me what you have and what you want
we'll see what we can do.
Thanks for looking
I saw your BST ad, although I don't have sets, I do have some miscellaneous raw stuff and I will find time to make a list of it for either a cash buy or trade, if you are interested, It is not all that much, but I am thinking of consolidating and moving onto other stuff.
Let me know if you are interested.
take care,