FA Ending today Ikes Lib nickels a 1916-s Lib half, Darkside mint sets and more on e-bay

Check out my e-bay auctions. BU 1976 Ike and quarter rolls, complete and partial sets in whitman folders, some darkside mint sets, an old Chinese note,and some older US coins.
Search JandRCoins to get to them.
I can't figure out how to get a link to my web site an e-bay at the same in my sig line
Thanks for looking
Search JandRCoins to get to them.
I can't figure out how to get a link to my web site an e-bay at the same in my sig line
Thanks for looking
On the partial Washington set titled "Washington quarter partial collection" you state in your description, "It is complete except for the 32 d and s and the 37-s.. ".
Unless you are not showing another Whitman or 2, I see a set that ends with the 1945-D.
Your other partial sets indicate dates........just an FYI, don't want an angry bidder saying you own him a full Washington set minus those 3 dates!