Leafs Again
Coin Finder
Posts: 7,233 ✭✭✭✭✭
in Q & A Forum
Dave I read with great interest the latest article in Coin World online with yet another great error guy, Arnold Margolis saying that the Wisconsin Extra Leafs are die shavings caught between a coin and die and thus rendering every coin struck from that now damaged die with a new extra leaf.
I would guess that out there somewhere is a coin or coins with a stuckthrough error in the shape of a "leaf" in incuse, if this latest idea is true. In fact two dies and at least two coins would have it, maybe more coins as the hammer die made the dent into the die with multiple strikes
Anyway, with all your circles of coin guys and the best guys in the biz at your finger tips, what is your real take on how these got made? What do you really think happened?
The Mint is either afraid to tell us or does not care.
I would guess that out there somewhere is a coin or coins with a stuckthrough error in the shape of a "leaf" in incuse, if this latest idea is true. In fact two dies and at least two coins would have it, maybe more coins as the hammer die made the dent into the die with multiple strikes
Anyway, with all your circles of coin guys and the best guys in the biz at your finger tips, what is your real take on how these got made? What do you really think happened?
The Mint is either afraid to tell us or does not care.
I'm not much of a technical coiming process type guy. There are a lot of people who are much smarter than me about this stuff. Next time you see them at a show, ask Fred Weinberg, John Dannreuther, and/or Dave Bowers about how these coins came to be.
I do know that however they were made they are an exciting and very important variety.