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Help for a wasted mind

I'm looking for a book on English medals. I used to know the name, but unfortunately the mind isn't what it used to be. It's out of print now, that much I do remember.

Title and author would be greatly appreciated. I think it's BM or BH something or other, though I wouldn't swear to it.

Thanks for any helpimage
The great use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it--James Truslow Adams


  • Can't help....but sure can identify with the problemimage
  • Probably BHM, British Historical Medals. Three volumes, illustrated. I only have the first covering 1760-1837. They're hard to find but worth the investment. image
    You want how much?!!
    (Last update 3/6/2007)
  • bozboz Posts: 1,405
    That's it.

    Thank you muchimage
    The great use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it--James Truslow Adams
  • The classic work on British medals is Laurence Brown's A catalogue of British historical medals, 1760-1960 in 3 volumes:

    V.1: The accession of George III to the death of William IV. London: Seaby, 1980
    V.2: The reign of Queen Victoria. London: Seaby, 1987
    V.3: The accession of Edward VII to 1960. London: Seaby, c.1995

    Even though its numbering system is standard (much like Spinks), I hardly ever see it for sale and when it is, the price is prohibitive. So I decided to look at some single volume works. All of the following are still on my list:

    Christopher Eimer - British commemorative medals and their values. London: Seaby, 1987
    Christopher Eimer - Introduction to commemorative medals. London: Seaby, 1989
    Daniel Fearon - Spink's catalogue of British commemorative medals, 1858-present. Exeter: Webb & Bower, 1984

    If anyone sees any of these for sale, please notify me!
  • Boz,
    Charles Davis has them listed on his site. Text
  • bozboz Posts: 1,405
    Thanks python.
    Saves me a search
    The great use of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it--James Truslow Adams
  • No problem.image
  • In addition to the Eimer books, some other useful -- and inexpensive -- resources on British medals are:

    J. R. S. Whiting's Commemorative Medals – A Medallic History of Britain from Tudor Times to the Present Day. (1972) It covers British issues from 1487-1969.

    Jeremy Taylor's The Architectural Medal – England in the Nineteenth Century. (1978)

    James Mudie's An Historical and Critical Account of a Grand Series of National Medals; this was originally published in 1820, but there is a recent reprint available in soft-cover. It covers Mudie's "Grand Series" of national medals that he pressed in 1820 to recognize and acknowledge the English victories of the Napoleonic Wars. It contains illustrations and lengthy descriptions of each of the 40 medals in the series.

    Michael A. Marsh's Benedetto Pistrucci – Principal Engraver & Chief Medallist of the Royal Mint, 1783-1855. (1996)

    James Mackay's Commemorative Medals, which is principally focused on British medals. (1970)

    Lt. Col. Howard N. Cole's Coronation and Royal Commemorative Medals 1887-1977; Revised & Enlarged Edn. (1977) [Orig. Edn. publ. 1953] It features 68 pages of reference on British medals, as well as other nations' coronation medals.

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
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