WTB: Ist gen PCGS slabs with about any nicely toned coin

The slab and good color is the major consideration. Thanks.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."

Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
I have an 1834 AU 58 half dime here. It has good color if you tilt the coin to catch the light. Today it is only $295 and comes in a 1'st gen "rattler" holder.
If others post photos this could turn out to be a neat toned coin thread.
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."