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Question about mint bagging practice.

Question in reguards to the mints bagging practice. As I understand the mint used to bag coins in canvas bags, sew them shut and ship them out. Because of worker injuries and high cost a bagging lots of small bags, the mint uses a different system now that puts larger numbers of coins in large containers, where machinery is used to move them out. So my question, Is this info accurate? If so why do I see dealers and folks on ebay selling $1000.00 mint bags of quarters? I'm talking dates as recent as the Wisconsin quarter. Any info on the bagging and/or transportation of coins from the mint out and into the federal reserve system will be appreciated.


  • Both accounts are correct. The mint sells bags of things like Ken halves and state quarters meant for collectors and they ship coins meant for banks and general use in pallet sized bags. So both are true, however the mint sells 1000 count bags of quarters that have a face value of $250 and 100 count bags witha face of $25. They do not sell a $1000 bag, I think it may be just confusion between the count and the face value.
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,653 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome aboard.

    There is still some use of the traditional term "bag". Many counting houses package
    quarters in boxes of $500 and you'll hear people refer to two of these as a bag. I've
    seen any accumulation of $1000 in quarters referred to as a bag.
    Tempus fugit.
  • Also, I buy bags from my bank that have $1,000.00 face in them as they come directly from the banks coin counting machine. I find it more profitable to go through these bags than to go through a brick of rolls from the armored car company.

  • Well my thinking was some what inline with your answers. I've seen $1000.00 mint bags in the past and there are a few on ebay, newest being TN. It has the mint label saying TN, $1000.00 face, retun bag to fed when done. One was also listed under Wisconsin. New sellar, item description was all wrong. The only thing I can get from my bank are bwr in single or boxes, no bags. And very rarly does my bank get new stuff. I'm in small town area about an hour from the city. Last year they only recieved 4 of the 5 released states, only one box of each one, managed to get 5 rolls of each, and one shippment of pennnies, did manage to get a box of those,(waiting for a long cold winter day to sort those) might get lucky and find a 2004 double die. Any of you have links to dealers and or bank where one can get bags of coins straight from the counting machines? My odds of finding broadstrike or off centers would be alot better too. Thanks.
  • DeepCoinDeepCoin Posts: 2,781 ✭✭✭
    Any of the 1000 coin bags are numismatic items sold by the Mint. The Mint uses very large bags for shipping to the Federal Reserve. The new bags are so large as to require a forklift to move them about. The previous poster was correct in that the Mint used to use smaller bags, but these are no longer in use for delivery to the Federal Reserve.
    Retired United States Mint guy, now working on an Everyman Type Set.

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