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Wanted to swap

Wanted to trade: one very cute Labrador Retriever puppy, name of "Max".


Very cute.

Chews a lot.

Pees a lot.

Poops a lot.

Is not housebroken.

Did I mention he's very cute?

Will accept AG/corroded/cleaned/scratched common Wheat cent or PVC-contaminated 1980's Jefferson nickel in trade. Anything. Please.

Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.


  • ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,264 ✭✭✭✭✭
    how can you trade such a cute pup?
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh, I forgot to mention- the other trading partner will have to pay my hospital bill after the wife and daughter find out I've swapped Max.

    << <i>how can you trade such a cute pup? >>

    See this? It is an $1800 Spin Display Motion Case.


    I have two of them.

    They are in the workshop in my backyard at the moment, because I am readying my inventory to be put in a new location. The other night I spent several hours putting hundreds of coins in the cases so I could get everything in order and see what I had and how it would fit into the cases. I also put the trays in and balanced them. Since I am locking the shed every night and don't intend to leave the coins in there once I have the inventory done, I did not lock the back doors of the cases. I did, however, barricade the narrow passageway between them in the shed so that Max could not get back behind there to do his business. Max, you see, cannot stay in the house right now, or the other animals would rebel and our house would be destroyed. So guess where Max is bunking until we can buy him a kennel?

    You guessed it. My workshop. My wife called tonight to say that the little bugger had somehow moved my barricade of boxes and got back behind the cases, then got inside one of the cases, knocking the trays out and scattering coins on the floor. He apparently then relieved himself on some of the coins. My wife offered to take the coins out of their ruined flips and wash them off. I said no, because our well water is impregnated with sulfur. She said she would use bottled water. I said OK.

    But now I have to print new flips, rebalance the trays, finish my inventory, and rebarricade the area somehow. image

    Are you sure you don't want a very cute puppy, hmm? image

    Tell ya what. I'll take a rusted reprocessed steel cent that was whizzed and colorized, holed, scratched, tooled, and partially melted.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • He didn't mean to do it!!!!! My 5 year old 125lb German Shepard got upset with the fireworks on New Years(We weren't home) and destroyed the door from the garage to the house----aprroximately $500. He didn't mean to do it either!!!!!
  • image

    Sounds like you have your hands full! image
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Indeed we do.

    He's extremely cute.

    But I'm afraid "cute" ain't gonna cut it tonight. image

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Lord,

    I feel your pain!!

    10 month old 75 pound choc lab here.

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • RNCHSNRNCHSN Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭
    I had a lab puppy once.

    The kids found out I was getting rid of him and convinced my ex-wife to take him!

  • Lord M LOL Hey dude I have a great dane I can trade you. Let me know. I'll pay the ride to get him to you if you'll do the same. First you should know that he likes to chew up trim around doors, not to mention all the DEEP claw marks in the doors. Secondly, no ball is safe around him, whether its a little superball or a basketball. He turns them all into littlle itty bitty pieces. Oh yeah, did I mention he likes to eat? A lot!!! Therefore you also have lots of BIG piles of poop to shovel up. There is an upside to this tho, if your into organic gardening image. All bs (or is that ds?) aside, I read you ME page (finally) at fleabay. Very interesting!

    If it will sweeten the deal I have a ihc I can run over with a loaded forklift a few times, and I will also drill a hole in it for you. You will however have to add $1.30 for shipping insurance. IMHO I don't think you can get a better offer for this young pup of yours. Let me know, I aim to please.

    Oh yeah, Max really didn't mean to do it!!!

  • << <i>I had a lab puppy once.

    The kids found out I was getting rid of him and convinced my ex-wife to take him!

    imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage >>

    Keep the dog, shoot the x, if that's not an option, you can shoot mine!image
  • LM will stoop to any level for a holed coin!

    I can quit collecting anytime I want to.....I just don't want to!
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pick the worst possible type of coin for a puppy to pee on. C'mon, think. What could be the worst thing?

    Proof copper, maybe?

    ... raw proof copper, in flips?

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Hey! sounds like a great watch dog to me! what a better way to keep someone from stealing your coins!!!! It could have been a lot worse! at least you didn't need to wait 24 hours to get your coins back image
  • Rob;

    My heart felt sympathy on what he did to your coins.image However, if it were a CAT that did it, I could give you a thousand ways to deal with the CAT. The doggie's too cute. I say you give him amnesty.image

    What is money, in reality, but dirty pieces of paper and metal upon which privilege is stamped?
  • FullStepJeffsFullStepJeffs Posts: 1,874 ✭✭✭
    hum... I might just have some PVC contaminated 80's Jeffersons lying around... how would you ship?
    U.S. Air Force Security Forces Retired

    In memory of the USAF Security Forces lost: A1C Elizabeth N. Jacobson, 9/28/05; SSgt Brian McElroy, 1/22/06; TSgt Jason Norton, 1/22/06; A1C Lee Chavis, 10/14/06; SSgt John Self, 5/14/07; A1C Jason Nathan, 6/23/07; SSgt Travis Griffin, 4/3/08; 1Lt Joseph Helton, 9/8/09; SrA Nicholas J. Alden, 3/3/2011. God Bless them and all those who have lost loved ones in this war. I will never forget their loss.

  • Years ago my Greman Shepherd pup ate my Persian rug. After she was aprox 2 years old and had finished everything in the house and yard she became the best dog anyone could ask for and lived 13 years.
    When she was 9 we spent $3,000+ on her hip problem and I'm glad we did. We still miss her.image
  • here you go LordM
    180 lbs, and mean as hell to strangers, especially those who wear Top Hats, and listen to Jethro Tull!
    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
  • I'll trade ya, but you've got to get him slabbed first.
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭
    My dog Rusty (YelLab) now deceased....once chewed the brim on a new hard hard and ate the harness webbing out from the inside. That was over 9 years ago. I replaced the harness part and wear that hard hat to this day. I was upset for about 10 minutes and he managed to give me "His Life's" worth of pleasure (each and every day that I can remember). He is gone now, I still have the Hard Hat and still miss him very much. Keep the Pup, he was only going to your coins because he smelled you on them and longed for some of your attention. I am sure he watches you work on your coins, mine would sit hours just watching me do the same.

    He just missed you LM. (My spin on dog pychology..............
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Update: we bought Max a kennel and a doghouse to live in. Everyone (including him) is more comfortable now.

    Oh well, I guess this means I can't sell him.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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