Wrinkle in Stamp
in Stamps Forum
I have a quick question. I have a german stamp with little value that has a small wrinkle. I have heard about steaming it and pressing, but I am not sure what is the best thing to do. It is a larger stamp with what looks like a small amount of glue on the back. I had lost it, and when I found it I saw the wrinkle. It is not valuable, but it is from a small set that I bought when I first got started. I don't want to ruin it, but just make the presentation alittle better. Any suggestions? I apologize for the serious question, but this is the stamp forum. Thanks for any help.
Always interested in Hank Aaron items-currently buying Aaron OPC singles or lots-graded or raw.
Worn out and wrinkled,
leave it in the albumn. It will flatten it out some without damaging the ink.
Agree completely with Coinhusker and Laceupboots. Leave it be.