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Branch mint gold registry sets

RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
Our forum member, CCGold, just finished the Carson City $5 set, which in my mind, is quite an accomplishment. As far as the registry is concerned, he still has an incomplete set. I think it would be nice if PCGS broke up all of the branch mint gold sets by denomination, as this is how a lot of us collect them.

Here is my post from the message board:

Nice work! It would be nice if PCGS would separate the Carson City gold registry by denomination (same with Dahlonega, Charlotte, and New Orleans). I think that there would be much greater participation if they did. The CC and New Orleans $20's both have stopper coins ($100,000+) that scare away lightweights like myself. Some people do not like the small gold $1's. A lot of people collect one denomination of the branch mint but not all of them.



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