A few assorted items for sale here only!

Some slabs, some raw stuff that I haven't had a chance to do anything with.
Always a 5 day no question return (less shipping charges), Paypal is available (please inquire) and images can be sent via email. Shipping will depend on actual amount of item(s).
In no particular order:
1921 10c Good/ag Problem free better date dime. Full rimmed obverse and weak reverse rims. Nice album filler for $25
1886-s 10c Sharp, choice vf. A nice circulated look to this tougher late date. $70
1913 5c T1 NGC ms/65 Nice gem T1 Buffalo Nickel. Well struck, no spots, problems etc. A good coin. $110***SOLD***
1878 7/8 TF PCGS ms/63 STRONG Frosty white with good luster and eye appeal. $265
1923 Peace$ ICG ms/65 Fantastic luster and looks like it just popped out of a roll. Some very faint champagne hues in the fields. Get it cheap before I resubmit! $115
1835 10c xf/45 Sharply detailed example that is mostly white with some champagne toning. Really an au example but lacking enough luster for me to go there. Rock solid at xf/45. $225
1884-s Morgan$ ANACS au/50 Sharp and lustrous with nothing more than a lightly circulated look. $195
1884-o Morgan$ PCGS ms/63 5 pieces. Each coin is sharp, lustrous and appealing. $37 each, or all 5 for $177.
1885-o Morgan$ PCGS ms/63 5 pieces, ditto above! $37 each, or all 5 for $177. All 10 coins are just back from PCGS.
That's it for now! Don't forget to check out the Ebay Stuff. A diverse assortment of material there this week. I'll still be in clear-out mode for the next few months on all the raw stuff I took in trades etc. from last year, so stay tuned if that's your game!
PM or post below with any interest or questions.
Thank you!
Always a 5 day no question return (less shipping charges), Paypal is available (please inquire) and images can be sent via email. Shipping will depend on actual amount of item(s).
In no particular order:
1921 10c Good/ag Problem free better date dime. Full rimmed obverse and weak reverse rims. Nice album filler for $25
1886-s 10c Sharp, choice vf. A nice circulated look to this tougher late date. $70
1913 5c T1 NGC ms/65 Nice gem T1 Buffalo Nickel. Well struck, no spots, problems etc. A good coin. $110***SOLD***
1878 7/8 TF PCGS ms/63 STRONG Frosty white with good luster and eye appeal. $265
1923 Peace$ ICG ms/65 Fantastic luster and looks like it just popped out of a roll. Some very faint champagne hues in the fields. Get it cheap before I resubmit! $115
1835 10c xf/45 Sharply detailed example that is mostly white with some champagne toning. Really an au example but lacking enough luster for me to go there. Rock solid at xf/45. $225
1884-s Morgan$ ANACS au/50 Sharp and lustrous with nothing more than a lightly circulated look. $195
1884-o Morgan$ PCGS ms/63 5 pieces. Each coin is sharp, lustrous and appealing. $37 each, or all 5 for $177.
1885-o Morgan$ PCGS ms/63 5 pieces, ditto above! $37 each, or all 5 for $177. All 10 coins are just back from PCGS.
That's it for now! Don't forget to check out the Ebay Stuff. A diverse assortment of material there this week. I'll still be in clear-out mode for the next few months on all the raw stuff I took in trades etc. from last year, so stay tuned if that's your game!
PM or post below with any interest or questions.
Thank you!

Ebay Stuff
Greg Hansen, Melbourne, FL Click here for any current EBAY auctions Multiple "Circle of Trust" transactions over 14 years on forum