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1802 - Column of Napoleon in Marseille

This medal (Bramsen 235) was produced to commemorate the raising of a column with Napoleon's bust on it in Marseilles. This was during the short-lived period of peace (1801-1803) and Napoleon had thrown himself into the job of improving the country with the same energy that he expended on taking it to war. This resulted in wide-spread investment in local municipal projects and local government responded by raising statues and columns, such as this one in Marseilles.


This is a medal that I bought recently as a result of the high bidders (the top two) both backing out of the sale when it was done. I wondered at the time why they thought this medal was worth so much, but now I think they were having a personal bidding war. I got it for what I originally thought it was worth, particularly because of the edge damage, the ancient fingerprint on the reverse and the light scratches. Despite it's drawbacks, medals of the middle Consulate are scarce and I'm quite happy to add this one to the family... image
You want how much?!!
(Last update 3/6/2007)


  • That whole period of history is now more interesting. Last night there was a show on PBS about the French Revolution - very scary time!!!
    Citizen Shep
  • It was really bad if you were "educated", "professional", "aristocratic at any level", or had money in any great known quantity.

    Family records say that with the exception of 3 members who were out of the country at the time, the entire "famile D'le Croix" got to entertain the mob of paris one afternoon. I don't remember how old they all were but as I recall there were three little girls and two brothers none of whom were older than fourteen or fifteen. I seem to recall one of the girls as being 9 or there abouts. Plus the parents and some aunts and uncles. So much for "Liberty" during the revolution.
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  • CIVITASCIVITAS Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭
    Nice medal, Vern. I think it's problems are pretty insignificant and can see why you're happy with it.

    New coins listed monthly!

    Josh Moran

    CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
  • AskariAskari Posts: 3,713
    That's a great addition to your collection!! image

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
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