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Comments RE New 1st Strike Slabs - $ in the Plastic?

What is the point, if any, of this gimmick? I mean, unless you can have the original "First Stike" insert after a crackout where does this characteristic and its value actually lie? It must be in the plastic - we know the coins are no more than early strikes at best. This is a clear case (no pun) of collecting slabs - on par with the Signature Series but even more so I think. This is muddying the hobby I think. Comments?

Billy image


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    ccexccex Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭
    These "First Strike" slabs might be appealing to a few telemarketers, cable TV coin hawkers, or even this eBay seller/silver dollar fortune teller who hasn't been doing too well recently with Gerald Ford or Donald Trump signatures on PCGS slabs: LINK
    "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity" - Hanlon's Razor
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    A slab signed by Gerald Ford!! How can I lose! image


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    Are those real pics of actual Sig Series coins at that auction site or are those representations? I am an Autograph collector/dealer and THOSE ARE ALL AUTOPENS if they are. Those at that auction site are not handsigned image Perhaps they are representations but they are different denominations. I would like to see a few more scans of Ford Sig Series coins!

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    NoGvmntNoGvmnt Posts: 1,126
    Isn't it really the "Third Strike"(maybe I should trademark that)?

    Weren't the "Death Slabs" the first strike, and the "Signature Slabs" the second strike?image


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