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Updated: Big milestone for me...1 coin away from completing my Mercury Dime Registry Set

...and the set is still at 100% FB image

Currently #12 -- Link to set

Just added two nice coins today.

1937 MS67FB
1939 MS67FB

I also got my other coins back from PCGS today so I'll have a total of 5 pictures of really nice Merc's I'll be posting tonight (in to this thread).

1923-S MS65FB
1930-S MS66FB
1937 MS67FB
1939 MS67FB
1943 MS67FB

I now have 16 holes to fill, which will likely be as tough as filling the first 64 image

On the bright side, though, I have 4 coins in grading right now: 1925-D, 1926-D, 1927-D and a 1945 ... keeping my fingers crossed image


  • Congrats, a great milestone. I'm still looking for a real nice 39in 67FB image
  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭

    Both the 1937 and 1939 are in the older generation holders -- they're just splendid coins that look a heck of a lot nicer than most of the other 67FB's that I have. I was very fortunate to stumble upon them image
  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭

    OK...I'm going to learn how to use my digital camera if it kills me...let's see if the pictures get sequentially better. The coin is much brighter than the picture came out...it's abit brighter than the reverse and the color isn't so dark. Much lighter and very rainbow. I geuss the zoom works as I've picked up/focused in on every single piece of dust/lint on the holder. The rest of the coins for tonight won't have any color so it should be easier for a pic newbie image

    1930-S MS66FB


    More to come a bit later -- after dinner image
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mikes 30S dime...


  • Congrats!! The 39 is, in my opinion, very underrated and difficult to find in a nice 67FB....I just found one after much searching (In an NGC holder!!--hence my last ? about crossover!). One of these days I'm going to try to photograph some of my coins as well.....nice job for a first attempt!
  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭
    These will be a little boring as they are all white coins -- still working out the kinks with the camera...they are all white (look identical under a loupe) but all the pictures came out a bit different:

    1923-S MS65FB -- the last one is a scan and not a photo so you can see the detail/just how hammered our this mid-20's "s" mint mark coin is. I think that little bit of abrasion/scuffing on the reverse is what prevented this coin from 6'ing.


    1937 MS67FB -- this one's in an old holder so sorry about the smudge, smearing, dirt, nicks, etc...this one is going in to an 8 holder in the next few weeks anyway image


    1939 MS67FB -- the one above's cousin -- again same old gen beat up holder


    1943 MS67FB -- and their long lost cousin image


    OK -- I know they stink -- but I think I'm getting better at taking picture??

    By the way -- the 1937 is by far the best looking white dime I've seen in a long, long, time. If the 37 doesn't 68FB, I'm driving Newport Beach to give'em H*&(L!!
  • marcmoishmarcmoish Posts: 6,330 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Mike,

    Let me prepare you then - the 37 will not go 68FB - JMHO, but we shall see right? For your sake of course I hope it does - however from what I see no way 68FB - if you''ll be in Ft lauderdale shoot me a PM and bring it along image

    The 30-S is gorgous - very well graded - actually a super example for a 66FB - I really like it!!!!!

  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭
    Hey Marc,

    I have over a dozen 67FB's and this is the one that stands out. There is just no contact marks or abrasions on this coin at all (I guess that doesn't come across in the pic). It's as if they put it in to a holder after they minted it.

    Should I save the setup costs of about $120...sending in newly slabbed OK for the grade 67FB setup coins along with this one, which is much nicer that then other 4...this one being in an older holder?

    I'm feeling pretty good about my odds to get a 68FB on it -- but I could save the $120 plus shipping (figure another $30 to go there and back) and put $150 towards a new coin image

    I wouldn't do anything 'till end of the month anyway -- sending anything for grading during the next 2 weeks is a waste of time/money.

    Have fun in FL -- buy something nice, would you!! image
  • marcmoishmarcmoish Posts: 6,330 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hear ya - but you gotta remember all b/c you have other 67's and this one looks the best doesn't mean it is a 68. You probably and most likely have a great example of a 67. I've seen many older holders with cool high number coins that would NOT grade today any better. All b/c it is in an older holder is not carte blanc one grade higher. That is a misconception to many not in this awhile.
    Besdies I'd like to save you the $100+ and all if I can and the trip to Newport Beach image (if nec image). I'd say make sure someone else sees it one of the key players or key dealers before - if not and you want to gamble I wish you luck and perhaps it will come back a 68.

  • They're all nice DimeGuy, but i'd also be surprised if that 37 goes 68..but what the heck.....might be worth a try---
  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭

    If you guys own 68's and don't think this looks like one then I'll "meter" my enthusiasm image

    It's just nicer than the other dozen, or so, 67's that I have and no different than the 68's that I've had the opportunity to examine -- unfortunately not many image

    ...so I thought I'd give it a college try -- although I'm not bent on grades -- whethere the coin is in a 7 or 8 holder doesn't make it any better, right? All of us have our own shtiks -- and mine is that I like to have coins in their appropriate holders.

    I would like to make (preferrably not buy) one 8, though, so I can develop my ability to spot/grade the 8's -- 7's and lower I've got down pretty good image That's why I think I'll give it a try and if no 8...then back to the drawing board...and if 8 I'll at least have some frame of reference.

    Many thanks for all your feedback!!! Much appreciated.
  • Hey, just wanted to say congrats on the additions. The 30 is indeed a beautiful coin. Perfect example of why we are all here.
  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    Congrats on a nice group of dimes!

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • I don't think the 37p will go 68 , but that is just from the pic,
    have to really see it in hand to know for sure. but if you send it in good luck,
    I have tried to make a 37p in 68fb a few times but no luck so far
    but have made a few others along the way. and trying for a 21d in 67fb
    but no luck so far.
    would like to see a pic of the 21d you talked about earlier
    LOOKING FOR 1931-s merc that is nice for the grade and fb
  • ok...you've prompted me to try my hand at photographing and attaching pics.......let's see what happens.....this is my NGC 1939 MS67FB..................uh oh....my photo was over 800kb!!! and the max is 50??!!??any suggestions???
  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭
    Yes, do you have an internet website you can use to upload pictures? If so, copy the URL using the little picture icon in the post and it will embed it in to the post. Anyone else have a suggestion?
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Photoshop and reduce it down in size just like I did with your 30S.

    Here is the 17D that was received a few days ago....


  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    Wow some great mercs. I will have to go with the consensus on the 37, it doesn't have that 38 look to me, but best of luck. If you don't have website to upload the pictures to then Ken is right. I picked up a copy of photoshop elements for less than 30 bucks. You can open the coin photo up, drop down from file and click on the web image photo option. It has different settings and you can play with it to reduce the megapixels without reducing the photo down to a small image, unlike will happen in the resize image option.
  • Congratulations and good luck! I just started a short set of merc dimes in MS66FB or better and I am having trouble finding any! I only have 1 so far. I bought a 2nd one but it got lost in the mail! If anyone can help me with MS66FB's 1940-1945 please let me know.

    Member ANA
  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭

    Those who collect Merc's quickly realize that nice examples are hard to find image

    I have some in grading right now, and should have a 41-S 66FB available for sale (the one I sent in should 67FB so my 66FB will need to find a new home). I'll ping you in a week, or so, as I'm expecting grades any day now...if you haven't bought one by then. I also have a 44-D in a 67FB for sale now, if you're interested -- nice coin. Send me e-mail if you're interested.

    Take a look at PQDollars -- Larry and Steve are good guys and have LOTS of new Mercs. Larry e-mailed me last night after he returned from FUN, and let me know that he's got 300 new Mercs image

    Welcome to wonderful journey image
  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭
    Well, guys, I'm down to just 1 hole to fill now to be at 100% complete -- and I have the coin to send in. It's a 42/1-P ... nice AU55 coin in an Anacs AU55 holder. I hope I cross it at grade...it should, anyway.

    My 16-D has FB and so does the 19-S. I'm going to send them both to DH and ask if he can find it in his heart to designate them both as FB, altough they're currently not graded as Unc. I've noticed in the Pops there are AU coins with FB designation. In fact I think Marc has an AU 16-D that comes up as FB...I don't know if it is really FB or just comes up that way, but both my 16-D and 19-S have FB. Anyway, it's worth a shot and maybe DH will be in a jolly mood and will designate both these dimes as FB...long shot, but I'll try image

    Then just the 19-D, 26-S and 42/1-P to go (in FB)...these upgrades will take some time to find in FB -- at the grades I can afford, anyway image

    Thanks to all for your help/support in making it this far, and hopefully I'll be posting within the next 30 days that my 42/1-P crossed and the set is 100% complete.


    Here's the 42/1-P in an Anacs AU55 holder. The color is really nice in hand. I hope it'll cross at AU55 image (probably AU50-53).

  • MikeInFLMikeInFL Posts: 10,188 ✭✭✭✭
    Congrats on the nearly complete set. Very nice collection. I've always like the Mercury design and seeing so many nice coins in one place must be a satisfying feeling. Well done...Mike
    Collector of Large Cents, US Type, and modern pocket change.
  • Congratulations on the addition!!! Wow---only one to go!!! Let me know how you make out on the 16-D full band issue.....one near and dear to me as well!! image
  • PQpeacePQpeace Posts: 4,799 ✭✭✭
    I have that 42/1 u need image
    Larry Shapiro Rare Coins - LSRC
    POB 854
    Temecula CA 92593
    310-541-7222 office
    310-710-2869 cell

    PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
    Baltimore July 14-17
    Chicago August 11-15
  • orevilleoreville Posts: 12,081 ✭✭✭✭✭
    mercurydimeguy: Congrats!

    Enjoyed our pm's.
    A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!
  • MDG
    I noticed you pushed me down to #8. Beautiful pics and a nice collection!
    Way to go!
  • marcmoishmarcmoish Posts: 6,330 ✭✭✭✭✭
    congrat's Mike - you da man image Listen the 16-D I have is not FB - it is coming up as such in error.......you must be very proud these days!!!

  • CocoinutCocoinut Posts: 2,514 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's a great set of Mercs! I hope you can get the FB designations you're seeking. I've seen those in the pop reports, and wondered if they're legitimate. If the bands are truly split, I think they should be labelled as FB.

    Countdown to completion of my Mercury Set: 1 coin. My growing Lincoln Set: Finally completed!
  • PTVETTERPTVETTER Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is a very nice set
    Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211

  • mercurydimeguymercurydimeguy Posts: 4,625 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you all for the warm remarks. I'm slowly posting pictures of the rest of my set -- this one's one of my most recent additions. I simply cannot get enough of this 24-D...what a dime. It puts a lot of my 67FB's to shame...and I thought they were nice image

    The coin is in the older blue holder (right after the switchover from green) so the coin preserved well over time. It is 66FB.

  • Once again Mike...a killer 24-D!! Thanks for the chance to see it!!!
  • Good luck on your quest. There is nothing more thrilling than getting that last coin to finish the set.
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