Franklin & Kennedy Dupes for Sale/Trade, all PCGS Graded******Prices Lowered DAILY!***MONDAY'S P

Looking to sell or trade Kennedy/Franklin dupes for MS Kennedy's in MS67 or better, or FBL Franklin's in MS64 or better, that I do not have.
Shipping is $4 for the first coin, $1 for additional coins. Insurance is extra, required & depends on total.
Prices Lowered Daily, $1 for items over $40, 50C for those under $40, until sold or until it makes better sense to sell on eBay.
If the price is not lowered it probably means that it is as low as I am willing to sell it at & is waiting for others to 'bottom out' before I send a batch off to eBay.
Link to ajia's Kennedy's registry set.....OR ajia's FBL Franklin's if you might want to trade.
1948 MS63FBL $32
1948-D MS62FBL $24
1949-D AU58 $23
1954 MS62FBL $14
1954-D MS63FBL $14
1954-S MS65 $33.50
1955 AU55 $22.50
1955 PR64 $38
1956 Type2 PR67 $37 / PR65 $27.50
1958 PR65 $27.50
1958-D MS64FBL $23
1959-D MS64FBL $27.50
1960 MS64 $9.50 / MS63FBL $23
1960 PR66 $18.50 / PR65 $141962 PR66 $18.50
1963 MS64 $9.50
1963 PR64 $9.50
1964 PR68 $22.50
1964 Accented Hair PR67 $46
1965 SMS MS66 $9.50
1966 SMS MS67CAM $140 / MS66CAM $80
1967 SMS MS66CAM $140
1968-S PR69CAM $32.50 / PR68DCAM $55
1969-S PR69CAM $27.50
1970-S PR69CAM $37 / PR68DCAM $163 / PR67DCAM $65
1971-D MS66 $15.50
1979-S Type1 PR69DCAM SOLD
1981-S Type1 PR68DCAM $9.50
1981-S Type2 PR68DCAM $27.50
1984-S PR69DCAM $24
1992-D MS66 $12.50
1995-P MS66 $12.50
1996-S Clad PR69DCAM $17.50
1999-P MS66 $9.50
2001-P MS67 $37
2001-D MS67 $37 / MS66 $17.50
2002-P MS66 $17.50
2004-P MS65 $9.50
Shipping is $4 for the first coin, $1 for additional coins. Insurance is extra, required & depends on total.
Prices Lowered Daily, $1 for items over $40, 50C for those under $40, until sold or until it makes better sense to sell on eBay.
If the price is not lowered it probably means that it is as low as I am willing to sell it at & is waiting for others to 'bottom out' before I send a batch off to eBay.
Link to ajia's Kennedy's registry set.....OR ajia's FBL Franklin's if you might want to trade.
1948 MS63FBL $32
1948-D MS62FBL $24
1949-D AU58 $23
1954 MS62FBL $14
1954-D MS63FBL $14
1954-S MS65 $33.50
1955 AU55 $22.50
1955 PR64 $38
1956 Type2 PR67 $37 / PR65 $27.50
1958 PR65 $27.50
1958-D MS64FBL $23
1959-D MS64FBL $27.50
1960 MS64 $9.50 / MS63FBL $23
1960 PR66 $18.50 / PR65 $141962 PR66 $18.50
1963 MS64 $9.50
1963 PR64 $9.50
1964 PR68 $22.50
1964 Accented Hair PR67 $46
1965 SMS MS66 $9.50
1966 SMS MS67CAM $140 / MS66CAM $80
1967 SMS MS66CAM $140
1968-S PR69CAM $32.50 / PR68DCAM $55
1969-S PR69CAM $27.50
1970-S PR69CAM $37 / PR68DCAM $163 / PR67DCAM $65
1971-D MS66 $15.50
1979-S Type1 PR69DCAM SOLD
1981-S Type1 PR68DCAM $9.50
1981-S Type2 PR68DCAM $27.50
1984-S PR69DCAM $24
1992-D MS66 $12.50
1995-P MS66 $12.50
1996-S Clad PR69DCAM $17.50
1999-P MS66 $9.50
2001-P MS67 $37
2001-D MS67 $37 / MS66 $17.50
2002-P MS66 $17.50
2004-P MS65 $9.50

Wednesdays prices listed
2002 P/D Kennedy's SOLD
POB 854
Temecula CA 92593
310-541-7222 office
310-710-2869 cell
PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
Baltimore July 14-17
Chicago August 11-15
Thursday's lowered prices listed.
or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
I also dabble with the darkside
Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
Tomorrow I will check eBay's 'completed' auctions to see if I am out of line with my asking prices.
If so I will adjust accordingly, check back tomorrow if there is a coin you are interested in but feel I am too high on the price.
Don't foget I also trade!
Will post new prices based off of auction sites this afternoon.
If my prices are close I will let them stay, if I'm way off I'll readjust.
Just ran into this listing for a 1970-S PR68DCAM Kennedy
Have I been sleeping while this date has taken off?
You could say it was 2 bidders that really wanted the coin, but Superior estimated the value of the coin at between $450 to 600!
OR could it be that Superior OVER ESTIMATED the value.........nah, couldn't be.
Thanks for looking.
Will be skiing over the weekend, so next revise will be Monday.
Monday's Prices listed.