Free Coin Trading Post
I am trying to setup a free coin exchange as a hobby. You can post up to 25 item a week at no charge if you send me the info in electronic format. There is not fees, commissions or charges for the post. The Trade, Sale or Swap is upto the buyer and seller. I have 2 gegs of space to fill with the web page. Remember this is a hobby for me.
www cointradingpost com
www cointradingpost com
What do you want? Pics and description? Are you going to register people and keep track so that we don't have to post our name and address?
Hence, if a buyer sees an item he or she likes, they would use the contact info to complete the transaction. It is not done through the webpage. Some people can leave just an email address or a phone number. Or, the seller can send me an html file with all the contact and shipping info. Or I can create a file with all the info.
I am doing this as a hobby with all the funding for the page setup coming out of my pocket. There are no free, cost to any lister / poster or user / buyer. Now, I do post my stuff to the page also like any other person is able to do.
If you want me to add a link to your webpage, I can do that also.
My intent for the page is so that collectors can upgrade their collection. Please no affiance to the dealers? I might buy a coin for Red Book. A couple years later, I find a better one. I need the money from the first one to upgrade to the better one. What do I do with the coin? In most cases all that I can find is people wanting to pay grey sheet for the item. Which is about a third less than Red Book?
Second: A link to your site.
Third: Are you likely to expand to circulating foreign coins? Canadian in particular?
Bob Kruczynski / bohica268