carolj...file names being changed when uploaded, help please.

in Q & A Forum
When I upload photo files, some of the file names are being changed to a funny file name that cannot be recognized. All my photos are jpg and it doesn't do it to all of them, just some, which makes it even worse. It places some at the top of my listing and some at the bottom. The ones it places at the top start out with an A and dont have any number sequence to them. Thanks in advance.

I really don't know the answer but I'll see if anyone in the IT department can help.
So if you're using obvious names for pictures, like morganobv.jpg and morganrev.jpg, for example, this will happen all the time.
I've noticed it, too. I believe it happens when the the filename is already in use.
On another note, I have a file saved that I messed up and there's a comma in it:
I've tried to delete it, but cannot. If you or the IT can delete that file for me, it would be appreciated.