FS HERE 03 & 04 PCGS-PR69DC 1oz Plat.

I have 2-2004 1oz Platnium peices for sale $1350.00 each Delivered. They are both PCGS- PR69DC. I also have 2- 2003 1oz pieces for sale for $1210.00 Delivered. [also PCGS-PR69DC] PM If interested.
Charles Crews ** CU Members that I have had Buy/sell deals with alohagary,dabigkahuna,goldman86,fivecents,endzone,clackamas,ericj96,Bochiman,Wingsrule,adriana,claychaser,holeinone1972,itsnotjustme,MJcoin,Kishul,jsego,TWQG,carlwolfort,jmski52,steelielee,grote15
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