UPDATE!! -- Grades are in -- Sent these Mercury Dimes in for grading today -- want to take a shot at
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Anyone want to take a shot at grading them?? I'll let you know as soon as I get the grades (paid for the 15 day service so I should know sometime mid/end of January)...I thought it might be fun to take some educated guesses, though, to see how close we come.
Sorry about the so-so pictures...still using a scanner because I can't seem to figure out how to get good pictures with a digital camera (and I have a good one -- just bought a 7 Megapixel Sony)
I bought these coins raw because they haven't really seen the light of day since 1982 -- totally original and super cool looking color (which obviously doesn't come through all that well from my very poor quality scans). And forgive the little fuzzies, smearing, etc. Should have cleaned off the glass on the scanner first Anyway, here they are:
1935-D -- Obverse Reverse
1925-D -- Obverse Reverse
1926-D -- Obverse Reverse
*Note: The stuff that looks like PVC on the reverse of this scan isn't -- it's gorgeous light green/turqouise/aquamarine tonning.
1927-D -- Obverse Reverse
Post your guesses here and I'll post grades when I get them.
PS. I was offering them up in the BST for a day/two to anyone that might have needed them...but all was quite so I decided to submit them for grading to appease my own/personal curiousity
Sorry about the so-so pictures...still using a scanner because I can't seem to figure out how to get good pictures with a digital camera (and I have a good one -- just bought a 7 Megapixel Sony)
I bought these coins raw because they haven't really seen the light of day since 1982 -- totally original and super cool looking color (which obviously doesn't come through all that well from my very poor quality scans). And forgive the little fuzzies, smearing, etc. Should have cleaned off the glass on the scanner first Anyway, here they are:
1935-D -- Obverse Reverse
1925-D -- Obverse Reverse
1926-D -- Obverse Reverse
*Note: The stuff that looks like PVC on the reverse of this scan isn't -- it's gorgeous light green/turqouise/aquamarine tonning.
1927-D -- Obverse Reverse
Post your guesses here and I'll post grades when I get them.
PS. I was offering them up in the BST for a day/two to anyone that might have needed them...but all was quite so I decided to submit them for grading to appease my own/personal curiousity
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
There must be a way for me to make a setting on my scans that doesn't dull the lust -- turn it in to haze
I agree, the 26-D is the weekest of all the 4 coins. The first 2 coins are really hammered out though, especially on the reverse.
JMHO but here it is:
64 (edited to take out FB! thought they were all blindy FB )
based on what I see inclding eye appeal as is! The toning does NOT look pleasant i.e. attractive - unless it's way different in hand - I like the strikes overall for example the 25-D is not typically seen better neither are the others except for the 35.
Let the experts have final say on grade - no way to tell from here... for your sake I hope it is not enviromental damage.
Good luck.........
As far as environmental damage, rest assured I'm past that point in my coin life
When I buy raw Merc's, which I'm typically not afraid to do as I am quite comfortable with my ability to grade them/determine their authenticity, I usually meter my enthusiasm for coins that I like...grading them conservatively and then chopping one more grade off just to be on the safe side Only on one occasion have I ever never bought a raw Merc as a 65FB and had it grade 65FB; all of the other ones graded 66FB -- and I was even fortunate enough to get a few 67FB's.
Here's how I graded them for purchasing purposes (and in parenthesis what I think will be the grading outcome):
1935-D 64FB (this coin is definitely all there -- it'll come in at 65FB for sure!)
1925-D 63FB (it should come in at least a 64FB...maybe shot at a 65FB if the 35-D grades as a 66FB...since the graders will have the whole batch to compare one to another)
1926-D 63FB (debated this one with the dealer -- weak strike...a few hits on the fasces...but this is a notoriously weakly struck coin, so if the above 2 grade on the high side then this will grade a 64FB, and if not it'll be one of the better 63FB's out there)
1927-D 64 (vehemently debated this coin with the dealer -- although this coin clearly has FB -- I've had more OBVIOUS FB's come back without the FB designation -- I just had an odd feeling about this one's prospects for FB designation and bought it as such without...so I say it'll grade either a 64, or 64FB -- with any luck from the grading gurus at PCGS)
leaving the office now - but it would help if you just posted the darn scans on line - you're losing support right there by having it hidden
Later with more thoughts since you keep asking for 'em
Cant see any luster so no venture will be taken on the grades. The best of luck to you on these.
BTW, I have eight Mercs at PCGS right now. The grades should come through sometime next week. Nothing as high powered as yours though.
I'm a bit of a newbie in this high-tech posting stuff ... so let me try putting the images inline with this post:
Hope this comes out -- with any luck
I'm not sure on the full bands, I'd say the 35 for sure, and I think the 1925 and 1926 have a good chance (can't tell by photo. The 27 won't go fb.
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
64FB, 64FB, 65FB, 65FB
without the coin in hand its hard to really judge
For a newbie you've posted darn nicely - better than I had when I was still green
Seems most of the Merc fella are generally in line more or less on the grades here - and I agree with Ken, if that is splotchy toning indeed then unless it is really nicer in real life they will drop it - as that WILL effect eye appeal.
I agree with your thoughts on the 27-D though - I actually assumed blindly they were all FB. when I looked at it better, specidically the 27-D, well lets just say it depends on the weather that day in the room - frankly I've seen similar come in at FB and vice a versa. I personally would NOT be happy with that example as a FB designation - but 's just me. Good luck
I will say,MS65,Ms64 ,MS64,MS65..I dont think the 27-D will fly for FB,
the rest for sure.
Unfortunately I didn't post pictures of this one -- but it's the ones' below cousin It is a really nice coin with gorgeous toning like the ones below, but perhaps even a bit nicer. Really hammered out, though!
Looky here:
1 21850748 1930-S 10C USA MS66FB
Grade just in -- I'll post pictures when I receive the coin. I know it's not a 16-D or anything, but a nice 30-S has been my Moby Dick all year! I think this darn date/mint mark is a HUGE sleeper in the series.
Woohooo!!! Bought raw from the same collection as the below 4 -- I'm anxious now to get grades on the ones below. Maybe I'll get blessed with a surprise/two ??
1 21859345 1925-D 10C USA MS63FB -- they missed this one by a point -- it's OK, though, I'll get it in to a 64FB holder on the next grading submission We're all human, including the PCGS folks, everyone makes mistakes every once in a while
2 21859346 1926-D 10C USA MS65FB -- they must have loved this coin -- A HOME RUN!!!
3 21859347 1927-D 10C USA MS64 -- spot on -- Ken, a trade, perhaps??
4 21859348 1935-D 10C USA MS66FB -- they must have loved this coin also!! -- A SOLID DOUBLE!!
Boy this has been a great week for getting grades -- OK, if you must know, I paid $1,800 for the 4 dimes. At the show, everyone I showed the coins to took turns riduculing me -- no joke -- and I felt a bit out on an island as the last/stupidest guy that plunks down cash to buy raw coins. But just like I said in the thread that Ken participated in, if you really know how to grade'em (or better yet how PCGS will grade them), you can really do well!
I'm psyched!!
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
Lets Deal....
<< <i>Lets Deal.... >>
"Done Deal" Cool for both of us. Thanks Mike.
Always a pleasure -- and really neat that it's a win-win
<< <i> YAY!!!! >>
Isn't that Cool. My eyes just light up when someone does this.