Givaway: Cycling PCGS MS69, etc. - Entrants listed - FINAL
Posts: 817
Gold Closing Price on 12/31 Prediction and Entrant Name
428.77 longtimecollector
436.86 Hedger
437.99 fivecents
438.80 SNMAN
441.50 Craton
442.74 nwcs
443.22 TWODOGS
443.78 ibzman350
444.80 relayer (Silver: 6.93)
444.80 Wingsrule (Silver: 7.09)
445.75 oreville
448.31 newsman
448.35 Deadhorse
448.60 Stork
449.62 Cherwood
450.50 michael
451.72 keets
452.13 Neptune
452.71 coinfreak499
455.71 Bubblehead
456.00 Coinhusker1
428.77 longtimecollector
436.86 Hedger
437.99 fivecents
438.80 SNMAN
441.50 Craton
442.74 nwcs
443.22 TWODOGS
443.78 ibzman350
444.80 relayer (Silver: 6.93)
444.80 Wingsrule (Silver: 7.09)
445.75 oreville
448.31 newsman
448.35 Deadhorse
448.60 Stork
449.62 Cherwood
450.50 michael
451.72 keets
452.13 Neptune
452.71 coinfreak499
455.71 Bubblehead
456.00 Coinhusker1
I also will offer to /list/host/run the auction, if anyone else wants to participate. Unfortunately, I guess our soldiers aren't going anyplace anytime soon - and they have to continue doing what they are doing, so I guess there is no giant rush - but would be nice to have completed by mid Jan. or so.
Once the auction has ended - I am not sure what to do with proceeds . . . ie. Maybe someone can offer to do 'that' part, OnlyBuffalos? and/or purchase what they may need and mail off to them. At what address? ........Who can take charge of 'that' aspect, and I will just mail (or Paypal) that person the final check/proceeds. I will pay the ebay listing fee, and do the photo work.
Let me know. I'll be listening.
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Let me know if you need help in any way.