2005 Silver Eagles
If you didn't get on the box that was offered here we have silver eagles coming around Jan 8th
Rolls $195 each plus $5.50 shipping
Singles $9.99 plus $2.50 shipping
Just PM me and we'll set you up. We also have them on Ebay if you prefer to do them there. All Eagles will come straight from cases unsearched.
Rolls $195 each plus $5.50 shipping
Singles $9.99 plus $2.50 shipping
Just PM me and we'll set you up. We also have them on Ebay if you prefer to do them there. All Eagles will come straight from cases unsearched.
This is kind of rude!
He made an offer for those of you that were too slow to catch the previous member who placed a larger order on behalf of the board members who wanted to take part.
A little respect for his right to set the price for his coins is due!
If he's too high, he won't sell them and will figure it out on his own!
click to email me
ebay auctions for ronsrarecoin-com
J&J Coins
Wild Ebay Toners for sale
The big O