My brother-in-law's collection, EBAY, ENDS TONIGHT

Some attractive things, still. Make it yours at My Exciting Ebay Auction! Terrific Things, Yours To Compete For With All The Other Shoppers! Items included are listed below, plus a few odds & ends I threw in that weren't listed here (a cute 55-D Washington, for instance). Thanks for your business, folks.
3c nickel, 1866 F12
½ dime, 1858-O G4
4x 40% clad Kennedies, 3x 90% Kennedies
3x Canada $5 silver Montreal olympic coins, BU (~.7 oz net each)
In a Whitman album:
Type set of 20th century US coins. One each of everything, cent through dollar. Missing Barber 50c, SLQ, peace dollar. They are: IHC 1887, G4; Lincoln 1c 1937, VF; Lincoln 1c 1968-D, AU; Liberty 5c 1900, G6; Buffalo 5c 1929 AG; Jeff 5c 1941 F; Barber 10c 1905-O, G4 (nice!); Merc 10c 1916 AG; Roosie 1962 XF+ w/ nice subtle album tone developing; Barber 25c 1911 G4; Washington 1951-S F12? (never could grade these); Walking 50c 1943 F15; 1952 Franklin ~VF; 1964 Kennedy AU; 1890 Morgan VF
Thanks Jeffrey, Sam, Louis, Gunter, and Shane for your purchases, and everybody for your inquiries!
Morgan $1, 1888-S Lovely dark original coin. Small-medium rev. rim ding. Tough date!! XF $SOLD
Flying eagle 1c, 1857 AG $SOLD
IHC’s: 1859 AG, 1860 VG, 1906 G, 1906 G, 1907 G, $SOLD
Buff 5c, 1913 T2 VF, 1916-S F $SOLD
Bust 50c, 1829 VF35, holed twice $SOLD
Lincolns: 31-D VF, old cleaning; 09-vdb F; 10-S G; 11-D G, 47-S ch-gem BU rb, $SOLD
Frankies, 49 AU, 63-D BU $SOLD
2x 1971-S 40% blue Ikes plus 6x very lightly circ clad Ikes $SOLD
Cents –
Indian Head: mostly G-4. Dates are 1862, 65, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86-98 inclusive, 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08. $SOLD
Lincoln 1909-1943 avg circ – mostly G older dates, better as you go. 81 coins; only 17 not there. The predictable holes are unfilled. $SOLD
Lincoln, 1941-75 nearly complete. Missing only 43-S, 47-S, 50-D, 53-D, 68-S, 71-S, 73, 73-S. Range F – AU. Pulled from circ in late 60’s – 70’s. $SOLD
Nickels –
Buffalo, 1913-1938. 6 pcs teens, 22 pcs 20’s, 14 pcs 30’s. Common dates. Condition ranges AG-VF, nicer as dates go up of course. $SOLD
Jefferson, 1938-1962 missing only 41-S, 49-D, 50-D, 51-D, 61. Generally F-XF, a few lower; Jefferson, 1962-1976, partial. 20 pcs (in the second album), better circ. $SOLD
Dimes –
Mercury, 1916-1945, 6 pcs teens, 17 pcs 20’s, 18 pcs 30’s, 40’s complete (18 pcs). Typical mostly middle circ stuff. A handful AG or G in early years, though some nicer early ones too (a nice xf 1917). $SOLD
Roosevelt, 1947 – 1978. 37 silver, 19 clad. Pulled from circ late 60’s onward. Mostly middle circ grades. $SOLD
Quarters –
Washington, 1932-1945 25 pcs. 30’s complete except 32-D, 32-S, 37-S, 38-S. Avg circ, few worse than G or better than F; Washington, 1946-1959 complete, 36 pcs avg circ – slider BU; Washington, 1960 – 77. 5 pcs silver, 18 clad. $SOLD
Half Dollars:
Franklins, 1948-1963: 8 pcs, VF-AU. dates are 50-D, 51, 52, 52-D, 53-D, 54, 56, 58-D. $SOLD
3c nickel, 1866 F12
½ dime, 1858-O G4
4x 40% clad Kennedies, 3x 90% Kennedies
3x Canada $5 silver Montreal olympic coins, BU (~.7 oz net each)
In a Whitman album:
Type set of 20th century US coins. One each of everything, cent through dollar. Missing Barber 50c, SLQ, peace dollar. They are: IHC 1887, G4; Lincoln 1c 1937, VF; Lincoln 1c 1968-D, AU; Liberty 5c 1900, G6; Buffalo 5c 1929 AG; Jeff 5c 1941 F; Barber 10c 1905-O, G4 (nice!); Merc 10c 1916 AG; Roosie 1962 XF+ w/ nice subtle album tone developing; Barber 25c 1911 G4; Washington 1951-S F12? (never could grade these); Walking 50c 1943 F15; 1952 Franklin ~VF; 1964 Kennedy AU; 1890 Morgan VF
Thanks Jeffrey, Sam, Louis, Gunter, and Shane for your purchases, and everybody for your inquiries!
Morgan $1, 1888-S Lovely dark original coin. Small-medium rev. rim ding. Tough date!! XF $SOLD
Flying eagle 1c, 1857 AG $SOLD
IHC’s: 1859 AG, 1860 VG, 1906 G, 1906 G, 1907 G, $SOLD
Buff 5c, 1913 T2 VF, 1916-S F $SOLD
Bust 50c, 1829 VF35, holed twice $SOLD
Lincolns: 31-D VF, old cleaning; 09-vdb F; 10-S G; 11-D G, 47-S ch-gem BU rb, $SOLD
Frankies, 49 AU, 63-D BU $SOLD
2x 1971-S 40% blue Ikes plus 6x very lightly circ clad Ikes $SOLD
Cents –
Indian Head: mostly G-4. Dates are 1862, 65, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86-98 inclusive, 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08. $SOLD
Lincoln 1909-1943 avg circ – mostly G older dates, better as you go. 81 coins; only 17 not there. The predictable holes are unfilled. $SOLD
Lincoln, 1941-75 nearly complete. Missing only 43-S, 47-S, 50-D, 53-D, 68-S, 71-S, 73, 73-S. Range F – AU. Pulled from circ in late 60’s – 70’s. $SOLD
Nickels –
Buffalo, 1913-1938. 6 pcs teens, 22 pcs 20’s, 14 pcs 30’s. Common dates. Condition ranges AG-VF, nicer as dates go up of course. $SOLD
Jefferson, 1938-1962 missing only 41-S, 49-D, 50-D, 51-D, 61. Generally F-XF, a few lower; Jefferson, 1962-1976, partial. 20 pcs (in the second album), better circ. $SOLD
Dimes –
Mercury, 1916-1945, 6 pcs teens, 17 pcs 20’s, 18 pcs 30’s, 40’s complete (18 pcs). Typical mostly middle circ stuff. A handful AG or G in early years, though some nicer early ones too (a nice xf 1917). $SOLD
Roosevelt, 1947 – 1978. 37 silver, 19 clad. Pulled from circ late 60’s onward. Mostly middle circ grades. $SOLD
Quarters –
Washington, 1932-1945 25 pcs. 30’s complete except 32-D, 32-S, 37-S, 38-S. Avg circ, few worse than G or better than F; Washington, 1946-1959 complete, 36 pcs avg circ – slider BU; Washington, 1960 – 77. 5 pcs silver, 18 clad. $SOLD
Half Dollars:
Franklins, 1948-1963: 8 pcs, VF-AU. dates are 50-D, 51, 52, 52-D, 53-D, 54, 56, 58-D. $SOLD
Mirabela, that's a nice little collection. Too bad your relative didn't cut the number of coins in half and shoot for the high grade stuff. Today, he'd be sitting on a small fortune and an enviable collection.
Sunday bump...
Complete Dime Set